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blank universe according to blank

Started by bearded, March 30, 2007, 04:29:49 AM

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this is a good idea in general.  i wanted to throw out some ideas in case anyone else wanted to take charge of a universe.

* freedomreborn;  an actual timeline and organized origin of some of our members, with meshes and powers.
* charlton;  before the dc take over.
* image

anyone else got ideas?  favorite universe?
the person that takes charge and organizes would be like the editor in cheif, setting it up for ppl to use ezscript to make levels according to the eic's general timeline and directive, ideally.


And image one would drive me nuts, I have always had a soft spot for a lot of those characters despite how poorly THEIR OWN CREATORS have handled them (spawn anyone?)


I think Image's Invincible would be good as a solo mod since his universe seems pretty self contained with the rest of Image's works. Although a guest appearance from Spider-man would also be good. (Marvel team up #14)

The Hitman

Yeah, Invincible would be a lot of fun to play and make.

A "World of Freedom Reborn" mod... hmmm...


I'd play the Freedom Reborn one, although it goes without saying that I won't have a hand in its creation. ;)


A freedom reborn mod?I wonder why it wasn't done before.


There was acutally. http://www.alexff.com/goodies.php battle royal is a mod using chars from FR. I've never played it seeing as it is so big and I wasn't a member of FR back then, only FreedomFans. But I suppose it is outdated. I Don't think making an FR mod would be very hard, especially if we split up the dat work over several people and merged it all at the end. (Adding the chars/powers/fx would be the biggest job and the heads that would be killer). Then comes the difficulty of how you would actually have a mod with sooo many characters in it when you can only play as 4.


the fun part would be creating a freedom reborn timeline and origins.


I'd definitely play a Freedom Reborn mod. It'd be really fun to pit my own original characters against the other forum members' creations.


there actually is/was a FR mod, but it was never released to the general public. I also had plans for one at several times, but I could never settle on anything until recently when I made the gday mod. *shrugs*

Also, at one point, an old FR member {Rain} was doing a bar room mod featuring some FR member back in 2004 or 2005...it also wasnt released and I think he dropped the mod before he could get much work done.

The splitting up of work would be easy, the "keeping balance and not going uber" would be hard, imo. Everyone who makes a herofile has a different opinion on balancing and how their characters should "play"...so that might be a little difficult.


Quote from: Previsionary on April 01, 2007, 10:08:08 PM
The splitting up of work would be easy, the "keeping balance and not going uber" would be hard, imo. Everyone who makes a herofile has a different opinion on balancing and how their characters should "play"...so that might be a little difficult.
compare superman and batman.


While I think a freedom reborn mod would be sweet, I personally like to see (and perhaps help plot) a Pre DC Charleton Mod.


Well, how about starting it then? ;) (the FR mod I mean) I don't know who'd lead this mod. I'd volenteer but I'm busy atm, sry. It shouldn't be too much work if we have a large team, we've got enough people who can do FFedit so we could split the job of importing all the avatars up over 5/6 people.


if the fr one is done, you would have to set a lot of ground rules, other wise there will be a lot of arguements and uberness

Spring Heeled Jack

I'd like to see a Spring Heeled Jack mod, starring Spring Heeled Jack, and you win prizes for playing. :)


Ted Mentor as mod host:"I'm sorry, Spring, but you couldn't defeat the villain.  Johnny what do have for our player?"

Off camera voice: "Well, Ted we have a Rice-a-Roni prize package. Rice-a-Roni, the San Francico treat! And the player will be getting a copy of the Spring Heeled Jack home game! Hours of fun for the whole family!"


Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on April 02, 2007, 06:45:14 AM
if the fr one is done, you would have to set a lot of ground rules, other wise there will be a lot of arguements and uberness

Surely we could just set a prestige cap? Say 6000 per avatar unless you really feel someone needs more (big villains for example).

Should I start a new thread about FR Universe Mod? Not that I can lead it or anything



Actually what would be really nice is if we could get the whole board involved. Make it a community project (and finally use that unused forum) so that everyone makes a 6000pt version of their avatar and puts them into a specially cut down dat file (character, template, FX, powers, defenses) Then the leader could collate them all and merge them.

I think the best form for this mod to take would be some sort of massive villain fight (or the plot of Villains Reborn) with you taking a team of Avs of your choice to save those captured in VR. Then once they were saved you could access those more powerful heroes (GG, Captain Spud and such like maybe a 10k cap on them) for the final showdown against Randy, Hellscorp and the others. The end battle would have to be huge (like 20 minutes long maybe with puzzles to solve to defeat the bosses...) And your team could replenish itself (like the penultimate mission in the strangers) until you'd used all the avatars. It might only be a 2 mission mod but it's possible all you can do with a cast so big. What do you think?

The Hitman

Quote from: Lunarman on April 02, 2007, 07:43:41 AM
I think the best form for this mod to take would be some sort of massive villain fight (or the plot of Villains Reborn) with you taking a team of Avs of your choice to save those captured in VR.

On the contrary, I think the way to go for this kind of mod would be a bunch of mini- mod type levels, that overlap a little with each other. Kind of like story arcs starring one or two (or three... or four, for that matter) heroes at a time. That way, everyone's character has equal time, and we don't end up with a, I dunno, for example "G' day vs Everyone... and some other folks in the background" game. The only way to not leave anyone out is to give everyone equal time.

Prev, it's funny that you mentioned that a former member was working on a mod where FR was a bar. I though I was the only person who thought that.


What I would do based on my experience working with BG's DC mod, is have one person as the administrator who would set the basic power levels for the mod and let the rest of the board members submt their own av hero files in accordance with the basic power levels that were set and and submit their own strings data to that one admin person to consolidate and balance.  That administrator could then publish a basic mod with all of the board members in it, complete with power descriptions and backgrounds that could then have easy updates added to it through the use of the ezscript function.

Then end result could be a basic mod that focuses on the overall FR "universe" that could then have chapters added to it by individuals within the community.  The balance would already be set up ahead of time so the only thing that members of the community would have to do is write their mini-mod themselves.

So if the original basic mod was released that had evrybody have some face time, individual board members could then submit their own "continuing adventures of" mod with their own avs being center stage.

my $.02

The Pwime

i had a similar idea a while back about the FR mod, but didn't think it would be possible.

I'd love to see it made, though.  :D It could be a really sweet project.

Spring Heeled Jack

If anyone's interested, I write super-awesome dialogue.*

*Super-awesome dialogue is, I assure you, much better than half the nonsense I post. For example, I would avoid using "super-awesome."


it's interesting to see so much interest in a FR mod considering the amount of interest in mods has dwindled a lot over the years, so maybe this project will actually spark things back up. The unreleased FR mod was nearly finished, if I recall correctly, but it only focused on a few heroes with other heroes being recruitable after a certain number of missions. The same thing (minus the recruitable heroes) happened in my avatar mod featuring some of the Crush members.

So yeah, what I'm saying is, I agree with the persons that said it should be several minimods all overlapping (or stand-alonish) instead of one big story oriented mod. If it becomes a big story oriented mod, then obviously some characters wont play a huge part in the story or none at all. Also, I think it might be kind of hard for everyone to agree on how much of a part their avatar should play. At least if everyone (or a group of people) submitted minimods, most avatars will have a better chance of being the star/main character (s) in at least one story.

But then again, group oriented projects take much longer to complete (being realistic) and if one person suddenly quits, then it kinda slows down everyone else. If we (or they...or them...or whoever joins in on the project) really want to see anything completed, they (or them...or...yeah) will have to be fairly dedicated, have a good amount of time available, and be ready for a good workload. :P

The Pwime

Okay, just read up a bit: I like the mini-mod level ideas, perhaps the game could start off fighting small time criminals and you gradually build up to fighting some villains.  Sure, we could include some FR villains in the game as well, but I think the best thing to do would be (if there is going to be an uber-big final boss fight) to make some ORIGINAL villains as well.  Perhaps, if we work it that way, these original villains could be so powerful that the heroes and villains alike of FR had to pull an X-Men Legends II and unite to take them down.

Just throwing it out there, and hopefully it'll give some people ideas, even if they're the complete opposite to what I just said.  :lol:


The problem is how are you going to use 70 heroes. Are you just going to randomly pick 4 or have them chosen for you.


I think, if you go the minimod route with the overarching theme/big bad buildup, it'd be pretty easy to pick which avatars to use in the story since it'd be more personal and less...objective. Most of us usually interact with certain forum members so they'd probably be first pick for stories and the rest could be chosen and collaborated on. Not to mention all the history/RPG elements a good deal of FR characters have from all those several events that happened some time ago (IE: AOH, Omegus events, general roleplaying).

But that presents another problem, how would you write dialogue for over 70 characters with varying degrees of personalities? :P

The Hitman

Quote from: Previsionary on April 02, 2007, 10:38:56 PM
But that presents another problem, how would you write dialogue for over 70 characters with varying degrees of personalities? :P

Good point. Let's face it, an FR mod would be neat, but really unlikely.

Which leads me to my next suggestion-

I've been going through my "Favorites" folder the last couple of days, trying to clear out some broken links and such, and came across this little nugget of inspiration:

The Freedom Force World: According To Dr. Man- Bot

Whaddya think?


I think the idea for the FR mod would work.  But because of the large number characters you would have to write a fairly vanilla mod with vanilla dialogue that could be used for just about any of the heroes.  The real "win" withthe mod would be to have all those characters in a coheasive universe that could be built on with mini mods.  Then you could have dialogue that shows the personalities of those forum members and their avatars a little better.  I think the result would be kind of a reverse of how real comics work with the starting point being a big event like secret wars or crisis on infinte earths, and then the individual comics come out after that.

I say all this and Ive never taken the time to make an av for myself! 


Do you even need the bigger mod plot?

Also... I don't know how you make your avatars but 6000 pts doesn't seem like much. My characters are usually at least 6000 to 10000. Occasionally over, if they have some fancy passive defense or something.


If it's a fr mod in the style of the DCU according to mod, you wouldn't need to write dialogue for 70 characters.  Anyone could make and release EZ Script mini mods for their own characters.

And I'd prefer that the characters be based in power on the FF original characters, which means 10-12k points.

The Pwime

Quote from: UnkoMan on April 04, 2007, 06:06:42 PM
Also... I don't know how you make your avatars but 6000 pts doesn't seem like much. My characters are usually at least 6000 to 10000. Occasionally over, if they have some fancy passive defense or something.
yeah, i was gonna say...  :lol: