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The DOD Mod, playtesting, bugs and notes

Started by Lunarman, August 16, 2007, 07:07:30 AM

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Right, I'm ready to release the first issue of the DOD mod and I'm looking for playtesters. If you sign up here I will send the file to you so you can play.

If I get too many people offering, then obviously I'll cut it off somewhere to keep it as playtesting and not general release.

Notes to playtesters:


There shouldn't be many actual 'bugs' in this issue because it's been played through and tested quite a lot. Having said that, the creator can never fully test anything because he already knows how to solve puzzles, beat mobs and the like.

However, there may be missing files (since I've not got a separate computer to test on (yet) it's a possibility that there are one or two textures/music missing that are in my data folder but not mine. But, if you tell me I can fix that).

So, there are a few things I'd ask you to look out for:
*Gaps in the story (what doesn't make sense, what needs rewriting)
*Script (what could be said better, what could be funnier)
*Difficulty (this one's a biggy, I'm aware I play at a lower difficulty level than most people. So, what is way too easy, what is too hard, how do you suggest I alter it)
*Artistic Choices (does the music fit, does anything need reskinning, could a level be laid out better)
*Additions( I'm aware that the first level is rather disappointing and am perfectly open to suggestions on improving it/completely redoing it, do I need more secondary objectives, generally: what could be fleshed out)
*Very specifically 'cp', you'll notice in the final level that you get loads of cp. Although this is easily spent, is it too much? I like to level up my chars and unlock new powers but does it make it too easy. Again, this goes with difficulty
*I'd be grateful if you could have a look at the powers which heroes get later on. I'm a bit of a 'raw power' player so status moves are rare. What chars need less/different/weaker powers?

Obviously, feel free to comment on anything else and bare in mind I'm very open to anything. If you want to say "this level's crap, boring and easy" then feel free ;)

The first issue is 3 missions long (but there are 5 levels) and ends on a base level with a spoiler for the next issue. The download is 60mb but I can break it into parts if anyone wants it that way.

Just post here if you want to be a playtester, and I'll get back to you with the download link :)


Thankyou very much



I'll do it.  It will give me bit of a break from LB and hopefully give me some inspiration.



Good, you two were very speedy. I'll send you the link right away ;)

Just to wet your appetite:


Like them?


I'd be interested in playtesting it. I wouldn't be able to try it until Monday, though. By the way, if you need any new skins\skopes, just give me a PM.


So far, I've discovered there's a problem with the shortcut.  It doesn't match the mod folder, which shouldn't say issue one, by the way, because all the issues will have to end up in the same folder for them to work together.

I've given up on getting it to work for today, but it should be easy enough.


Hmm, I fixed that before release but instead of reraring it all up I used the 'replace' function that winrar claims to have. Looks like it didn't work though.

Change your shortcut to read:
"C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\FFVTTR\FFVT3R.EXE" -game DoDIssue1 -log

and the name of the folder to:

and it all works. Actually, it has just occured to me that some people used a different installation folder, so you may have to change that so it matches yours rather than FFVTTR that the Digital Jester's release had.

BTW: The playtesting packages will be named in Issues but the actual mod (released in parts you put on top of one another) will just be called DOD


The playtesting packages will still need to install onto a previous version in order to continue with those characters, and hence should NOT be named in issues.

Now, onto the mod itself.

In general--very well done!  It's fun, interesting, and challenging.  Solar Flare, while being a fire-based character, manages to play differently from El Diablo, which is good.  Unfortunately, his fire cage swap is not working at all.

A couple of other minor issues:

Mission 1--I had the mission fail when the lead Thug was still a bit away from the exit.  I could have nailed him no problem.

Mission 2--The healing cannister was in a place were my character had a lot of trouble getting close enough to use it.  It took like ten tries, moving him around to different angles.  You might want to move it out just a little bit.

The background pics for all the screens disappeared at one point, although I'm not sure how that could have happened at all.


QuoteIn general--very well done!  It's fun, interesting, and challenging.  Solar Flare, while being a fire-based character, manages to play differently from El Diablo, which is good.  Unfortunately, his fire cage swap is not working at all.
Wow thankyou, and if you're only up to mission two then you've yet to see the better bit. IMHO the last 3 levels are considerably more fun. I don't know why SF could swap fire cage, lunarman should also have anti grav flier, did that work? If not I'm guessing FFX isn't working on your comp. If you have an old copy of FFX3.0 then I'd ask you substitute that for your FFX3.2 folder for a bit (as I have not upgraded the DOD mod to FFX3.2 since you said it was a pain in the neck). I think there might be  a few scripts that have manual paths in them pointing to the FFX3.0 folder in the FFVTTR folder. However this may not be the problem, it could simply be a 'unexplainable' issue. Sometimes on that level SF swap just doesn't work. 

A couple of other minor issues:

Mission 1--I had the mission fail when the lead Thug was still a bit away from the exit.  I could have nailed him no problem.

Mission 2--The healing cannister was in a place were my character had a lot of trouble getting close enough to use it.  It took like ten tries, moving him around to different angles.  You might want to move it out just a little bit.
Np, I'll move that.

The background pics for all the screens disappeared at one point, although I'm not sure how that could have happened at all.
Like you, I don't know why. I presume you mean the textures just disappeared from the main screen and the loading screens? Was it the normal 'pink texture of doom' or did they just go black/return to the FFVTTR ones?

Thankyou for the info :)




I won't be able to playtest right now, but I will be able to later in the week.  Sorry. :)


QuoteWow thankyou, and if you're only up to mission two then you've yet to see the better bit. IMHO the last 3 levels are considerably more fun. I don't know why SF could swap fire cage, lunarman should also have anti grav flier, did that work? If not I'm guessing FFX isn't working on your comp. If you have an old copy of FFX3.0 then I'd ask you substitute that for your FFX3.2 folder for a bit (as I have not upgraded the DOD mod to FFX3.2 since you said it was a pain in the neck). I think there might be  a few scripts that have manual paths in them pointing to the FFX3.0 folder in the FFVTTR folder. However this may not be the problem, it could simply be a 'unexplainable' issue. Sometimes on that level SF swap just doesn't work.

Keep in mind, I am one of the developers behind FFX 3.2, so I am probably more aware of how it works then you are, and I was the first to get it working in a mod.

At any rate, FFX3 works independently from the FFX folder.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with any version of FFX separately installed, and it doesn't need to be installed at all.

Yes, the attributes work.  It's a fact that the swaps can be broken fairly easily.  There are a few I've had trouble getting to work at all, so do check this out.


Ok, I think I'll wait and see if Alphanaut, Lugaru, Nymph or Kkhohoho experience this problem.

I just had a look at ffx.py and those paths I mentioned are ones involved in the writing of the powerids and the ffx custom files. So that won't make a difference.


Found the problem. Basically, just before I exported I ran the power id generator, but I forgot it only exports to the ffx folder. So, SF's power needs the new powerid files to work.


Plonk those in your missions/scripts folder and replace the current ones and it should fix it.

p.s. I think I might make a patch for the shortcut and those .py files. Can someone please post the path to the FFVTTR folder that was standard in the american version. The I can have a euro shortcut and an american shortcut.




phew, another edit. Hmm, Cat I see you posted during my editing. Anyway, yes you're right and here's the new power id file.


The power IDs could be the problem.  They are only needed for certain people whose computers have issues.  Mine is one of them.  If you didn't generate the ID's and manually move them over. . .

Well, I can test that easily enough.



Just played  the first 2/3 missions. Very well done! A couple of points:

* Have someone read over the script. While it was well written for the most part, there were some parts that were spotty, and there was a definite lack of periods in most of the dialogue.
* I found that some of the FF1 objects, namely the gas tanks, would become unselectable if the we're touched by anything but a character, ie if Lunarman picks up one gas tank and as he does so hits another one, the second one cannot be picked up from this point on.

Otherwise, good job! Keep up the good work.


While I don't have time to test the mod at the moment, I'd be happy to proof the script if you wanted to send me a copy.  I have a Master of Arts in Literature and I write copy and proof stuff at work, so it might be a good opportunity for me to help out if you want or need help in that department. 

Just PM me if so, I usually check the forum 2-3 times a day.   :cool:


Oh wow, I'd be very grateful if you would. My script writing is not that good in my opinion, so feel free to rewrite most of it if you like :).

I'll be pming you



It'll be a pleasure,

I'll look over it this evening


Is there any room left for another person to playtest?  Let me know if there is.


No bugs on the first mission as far as I can see.


The mission that leads Captain to being transported to his ship caused the game to crash in the middle of the fight between The good guys & The Befusco brother (with his 3 gangsters).  I'll try it again later to see if it was just the computer of mine or if it's really a problem there and get back to you all tomorrow.


I'm on Mission 2b now, and boy is this turning out to be fun!

(Is Nightshadow supposed to be missing a voicepack, by the way?  If so, I might be able to help with that)

The one thing I've noticed is that object weights seem to be a bit wonky.  Lunarman can throw gas tanks across the screen, but wooden crates he can barely move.


Nightshadow is supposed to have a voicepack, so I'll fix that. *blast* He's supposed to have the TuffGuy voicepack so if you have EZvoice then you could copy it to the DoD folder. I've updated it here now

Hmm weights I'll take a look at that those more closely. I've never paid too much attention to them because all the templates were there. But, I'll see what I can do. In my experience FF is very fickle with weights. Captain's sword attack knocks gangster back as it should do but sends thugs flying simply because they're a few values less.


Alright, new bug, also in Mission 2b.

Some of the cutscenes have Nightshadow talking, but there's nothing to keep him from being KO'd. If he is the cuscenes don't make sense.


How do you think I should deal with that? If I revive heroes it may make the level too easy. Maybe I could revive any dead heroes for the CS and then kill them again.

I'll take a look at it, although I'm welcome to ideas


The Blood Brothers Part 2 mission was played again and this time I got through the mission without any hitches, glitches or crashes.  I guess the crash was just a fluke.
I do love this mod so far and The Captain would have to be my favorite with Lunarman being a close second.



Just want to check: Are there any more bugs/suggestions anyone wants to make or is this good to go now?



One last, bump. I'm hoping to get this issue up next week. Sorry for being so lazy about it....

so, any last minute bugs?




No need! It's here

The moment you've all been waiting for! (well, most of you :P )

The first 5 missions of the DOD mod are out. They follow the forming of The DOD and their fighting of crime in Patriot City.

Go to http://thedod.freedomforceforever.com/ and click on The Mod for more info and a downloads page.

