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Dc Infinity crisis. COOL!

Started by cripp12, January 23, 2008, 06:39:35 AM

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I think I will have to break down and buy a brick.  I really like these pieces.

brick figure



I Pulled the Specter, Sinestro, Flash and Mary Marvel as rares or super rares. Darkseid is freaking awesome. But really, those two supermen are just sick. Also Trigon is good too. Trying to get my Black Adam.


lucky  Dawg,
I want that flash bad.  I pulled Black Adam, Nightwing/Starfire and Specter.  I also pulled Mary Marvel.  Oh yeah I sent my request in for the Worlds Finest.


I really want Black Adam. Traded Sinestro and Specter for Will Magnus, Darkseid and a Black Adam when he gets one.


Anyone have any advice on how to sell the my doubles for crisis.  I also have older stuff I want to get rid of. About 93 clicks altogether.