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Special Request for Keyframes in New Meshes and Updates to Existing Ones

Started by TaskMasterX, August 26, 2008, 08:01:04 AM

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I was hoping, that now the Grapple Swaps in FFX 3.3 are working as intended, that maybe the meshers could start including "grapple" animations with their meshes for characters that use such attacks. Yellow Lantern got the ball rolling with creating grapple animations for male_hulking and a few other (see his Yahoo! Group) generic meshes. But I'd like to also see male_basic, male_cape, male_heavy, (probably Beyonder's KF's updated with a grapple animation would be the best bet).
I'd also like to see Renegade's Hulk meshes updated with a grapple animation. There's also many other meshes from several other meshers that could use an update, but I'll leave these for now, and just request for anyone with the ability and/or permissions to update existing keyframes with grapple animations, to do so! ^_^


Grapples for the old generic meshes will b fairly easy. I can just do a single animation on each that could be incorporated into other sets with M25's key frame tool.

<looks at the 2nd yahoo group>

In fact, there is already a set for male basic (called, "grappler").
I'll get to the other generic FF1 meshes soon.


I've given a grapple animation to a new mesh I've come up with, but I noticed something weird. When I have several of these "guys" in the rumble room, they'll use the grapple on the enemies, but they'll also use it on each other. In fact, they grab each other way more often than the enemy.


Quote from: Renegade on August 29, 2008, 12:11:02 PM
...they'll use the grapple on the enemies, but they'll also use it on each other. In fact, they grab each other way more often than the enemy.

Maybe they are in love?  :wub:



Awesome! Thanks for your interest, guys!
Quote from: Renegade on August 29, 2008, 12:11:02 PM
I've given a grapple animation to a new mesh I've come up with, but I noticed something weird. When I have several of these "guys" in the rumble room, they'll use the grapple on the enemies, but they'll also use it on each other. In fact, they grab each other way more often than the enemy.
I think this has something to do with the AI. When using Energize as the swapped power, the AI generator wil give the tactic the type='friend' parameter. Open up the character's AI file and remove that parameter from the tactic line and see if that does the trick.