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Comprehensive List of Mods (11/6/12)

Started by Previsionary, December 27, 2008, 06:35:50 PM

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Archived thread can be found here: Archives

Last Updated: 11-6-12

Mods for Freedom Force:

24Missions/CustomForce1.01 (
Aliens Vs. Predators (
Arcade's Revenge (
Amazanauts (
Avenger's Special (
B.... Brigade (
Blade and the Defenders (
Buffy Mod (
Custom Force X (
DC comic mod (
Fantastic Force (
FFX 2 (
Forum Battle Royale 1 (
Forum Battle Royale 2 (
Furst Force (
Guardians (
Hero City (
Iron Mod (
JLA - Pawns of Darkness (
Marvel Super Action Mod (
Matrix (
Metal Storm (
Power Man and Iron Fist (
Psi World Graveyard and FRP backup
Pulp Fiction (
Spider-man and the Marvel Knights (
Suicide Squad (
Tales of the Navigator (
Teen Titans Mod (
The Great Hunt (
The Strangers (
Transformers (
X - A Sci-Fi Mod (
X-Men Mod: A brave new world (
X-Men: Danger Room Mod (DOWN)
X-Mod (

Mods for Freedom Force versus the Third Reich:

Age of Apocalypse (
Batman (
Batman Family (
Captain America: Legacy (
Challenge Mod (
Crisis:DC/Marvel Alliance (
     - Crisis 1.1 Update (
Customforce 2 (
Exiles (
Fantastic Four (
FFX 3 (
FRMod (
Freedom Force BETA 1 (
Gday Mod (
Ghostbusters: Trick or Terror (
Heroes (
Heroes United (
JLA: Yesterday War (
JLU: Dark Intentions (
Legion of Super-Heroes [John Jr.] (
Legion of Super-Heroes: The Never Ending Darkness (
Liberty Bay (
Matrix: Reloaded (
Matrix: Revolution (
Patriot City (
Patriot City Tales [3 episodes] (
Project Superpowers (
Pulp Fiction[FFVTTR] (
Spider-Man: The Webs that Bind (
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (
The DOD Mod (
The Legion Of Super Heroes (
The Reformed ( - DOWN
Thug Stories (
Ultimate Trio (
Ultimate X-Men (
West Coast Avengers (
Wolverine (
World's Finest (DOWN)
World's Finest [John Jr.] (
X-Men Classic (
X-men Classic: Frankenstein's Monster (
X-men: No Lost Cause [Psylocke/Angel X-mas] (

Mini Mods for Freedom Force versus the Third Reich:

Adam Strange series (
JKCarrier's party peril mod (
Oakwood (
The Flash series (
The Green Arrow series (


FF1 Map pack for FFVTTR (
The Real Reich (
GP's map pack (

That's about it. If anyone happens to have any older mods, please share them so the list can grow.
Disappear when you least expe--


Thanks for putting the list together Prev. :)  When you get a moment, you should add Project Superpowers and TMNT to it.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Disappear when you least expe--


whats the deal with  :ffvstr: mods there is no icon in which to begin playing the specific mod on some, I don't want to replace the default files on the original game


Here's a tutorial on how to set up a shortcut icon for a mod at the Freedom Reborn Wiki:


The link to the site for the X-Men Mod - A Brave New World works, but the downloads themselves no longer exist. This is the only FF1 mod I have been unable to get hold of!
Looking for:
DC Universe Mod (not dannyboy's DC Mod)
Fantastic Four (not Fantastic Force)
Avengers Conversion (not Avengers Special)
I have virtually every mod except those 3.


(hope I don't post this twice now, since I didn't see my previous one on the forum)

Thanks for posting the MOD list, although a lot of the FFv3rdR are links that don't work anymore. I am looking for the 'Batman' mod, is there another way to find these mods. Do some of you know who the author is from some mods, and might know where the mods have moved to?



Hi Everyone,
I have been away for a very long time (2004), I had only played FF and remember down loading countless MODs.
Even got to play a few, Spidey and MK's, Fantastic Force etc then Marvel threw around it's legal weight and Boom
we lost the skindex (I think that's what is was called).  Shortly there after my PC caught a nasty virus, the HD platter
spun continuously at enormous speeds beyond spec until the platter cracked.  Lost everything  :angry:  So with that
I gave up on FF figuring under threat of Marvel's legal actions it would die a quick quiet death anyway.  Fast foward
2016 Lo and behold I see that FF and FFvTTR are on steam!  I come here and find that FF is alive and well.  So I have
downloaded all the Mods I could find.  I was wondering if the Mini Mods listed (Flash & Green Arrow in particular) are
being hosted anywhere?  Any help would be great!  Thank you!

PS - Thanks for this awesome list of Mods Previsionary!
Be well, God bless, Be at peace, and may the forces of evil become lost and confused on the way to your home! - George Carlin

Cyber Burn

Sorry for the late response, but if you check the M25 Mod Tools File that's floating around somewhere (A quick search should get you there), those Mini Mods should be in there. It should be on a MediaFire Link.



Cyber Burn

Welcome to the FR Boards Nestor. I believe all credit here goes to Previsionary, all I did was point out the Link.


I see that there is/was (link is not working anymore) a Transformers mod for  :ff:.

Is there any chance that there will be a Transformers mod for  :ffvstr: ???
Since that is the only game that still runs on my updated PC.

I think it would be great if you could 'walk' as a car and use some weapons, and 'fly' as a Transformed robot.


Quote from: Lunati on January 14, 2018, 11:15:00 AM
I see that there is/was (link is not working anymore) a Transformers mod for  :ff:.

Is there any chance that there will be a Transformers mod for  :ffvstr: ???
Since that is the only game that still runs on my updated PC.

I think it would be great if you could 'walk' as a car and use some weapons, and 'fly' as a Transformed robot.

I was curious about this mod as well, would be great to be able to play it.
"I was born in the 70s, and am a child of the 80s!"


I thought quite a lot about creating one, once upon a time:
I actually wrote up an outline and did some early work on a Transformers mod for  :ffvstr: some years ago, but after we finally got a good TF game in Transformers: War for Cybertron, I pretty much abandoned it.  It didn't feel as necessary.  I also found Val's limited animations for his meshes (which, don't get me wrong, are amazing) a little too constricting to design interesting and varied characters for the type of roster I wanted.  Now that some of the skopers have injected more variety into their keys, I've toyed with the idea of picking it back up, but my backlog of projects is just too big at the moment!

If y'all would like to see one, I heartily encourage you to create a Transformers mod yourselves!  Fortunately, pretty much all of the art materials already exist, and with EZScript, it's perfectly do-able.  I'd even be happy to share my notes (if I could find them) and super early work on my own version, if someone was of a mind.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Thanks, for me this one is more one that would be 'nice to have' . I am more looking forward to the fix for the pink bug issue in X-men and the Ironman (cutscene fix) update on Marvel Adventures ;-)


Quote from: BentonGrey on April 12, 2018, 08:38:23 PM
I thought quite a lot about creating one, once upon a time:
I actually wrote up an outline and did some early work on a Transformers mod for  :ffvstr: some years ago, but after we finally got a good TF game in Transformers: War for Cybertron, I pretty much abandoned it.  It didn't feel as necessary.  I also found Val's limited animations for his meshes (which, don't get me wrong, are amazing) a little too constricting to design interesting and varied characters for the type of roster I wanted.  Now that some of the skopers have injected more variety into their keys, I've toyed with the idea of picking it back up, but my backlog of projects is just too big at the moment!

If y'all would like to see one, I heartily encourage you to create a Transformers mod yourselves!  Fortunately, pretty much all of the art materials already exist, and with EZScript, it's perfectly do-able.  I'd even be happy to share my notes (if I could find them) and super early work on my own version, if someone was of a mind.

That was a great read over at wordpress! Maybe one day I will take a dip in the pool of modding (highly unlikely though), but after reading various posts about bugs and fixes for various mods, reading the slew of info over at and, I can say with total honesty and no shame that I do not have nearly enough patience to do what you awesome modders do.
"I was born in the 70s, and am a child of the 80s!"


Quote from: 80sChild on April 14, 2018, 07:58:32 PM
That was a great  over at wordpress! Maybe one day I will take a dip in the pool of modding (highly unlikely though), but after reading various posts about phenq and fixes for various mods, reading the slew of info over at and, I can say with total honesty and no shame that I do not have nearly enough patience to do what you awesome modders do.

I used to be in the modding arena a couple of years back and yes, I can vouch to the fact that modding requires a lot of patience. I feel that the modders are doing a great work with very little appreciation. I want to thank and appreciate all the modders for their labor.

Incredible Bulk

Looking for this mods links down
JLA: Yesterday War
Heroes United
Sith Prime


Quote from: Incredible Bulk on November 03, 2018, 09:10:51 PM
Looking for this mods links down
JLA: Yesterday War
Heroes United

Hey there!

You can find a lot of the mods that were on FRP/FRP2 on the MediaFire backup pages:



The jla mod should be at the first link in the John Jr. Folder while the second one should be at the second link.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on November 08, 2018, 11:24:47 PM
Quote from: Incredible Bulk on November 03, 2018, 09:10:51 PM
Looking for this mods links down
JLA: Yesterday War
Heroes United

Hey there!

You can find a lot of the mods that were on FRP/FRP2 on the MediaFire backup pages:



The jla mod should be at the first link in the John Jr. Folder while the second one should be at the second link.

Thanks for the links from the MediaFire backup pages. I was also looking for some of the mods, but have downloaded all of them for backup purpose. Might help in the future.

[EDIT: Removed some spam. - stumpy]


Hello all

Where do I find the link to download the DC mod?... I've been to the page a few times and I don't see a link to download anything.


Quote from: Kaijudo on April 08, 2019, 08:07:16 AM
Hello all

Where do I find the link to download the DC mod?... I've been to the page a few times and I don't see a link to download anything.

The DC Universe mod for FF1? If so, it's here:
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: DuanePapas on January 03, 2019, 02:23:52 AM
Looking for this mods links down
JLA: Yesterday War
Heroes United

Hey there!

You can find a lot of the mods that were on FRP/FRP2 on the MediaFire backup pages:



The jla mod should be at the first link in the John Jr. Folder while the second one should be at the second link.

Thanks for the links from the MediaFire backup pages. I was also looking for some of the mods, but have downloaded all of them for backup purpose. Might help in the future.

We've put together a comprehensive list of the 100 mods we think are essential to improving Skyrim above and beyond the out-the-box experience.

[EDIT: Removed some spam. - stumpy]


Quote from: dknight95 on May 08, 2016, 12:23:02 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have been away for a very long time (2004), I had only played FF and remember down loading countless MODs.
Even got to play a few, Spidey and MK's, Fantastic Force etc then Marvel threw around it's legal weight and Boom
we lost the skindex (I think that's what is was called).  Shortly there after my PC caught a nasty virus, the HD platter
spun continuously at enormous speeds beyond spec until the platter cracked.  Lost everything  :angry:  So with that
I gave up on FF figuring under threat of Marvel's legal actions it would die a quick quiet death anyway.  Fast foward
2016 Lo and behold I see that FF and FFvTTR are on steam!  I come here and find that FF is alive and well.  So I have
downloaded all the Mods I could find.  I was wondering if the Mini Mods listed (Flash & Green Arrow in particular) are
being hosted anywhere?  Any help would be great!  Thank you!

I also want to download the mods of XMEN and Fantastic four but I couldn't download.  Can you share the link.

PS - Thanks for this awesome list of Mods Previsionary!


Quote from: dknight95 on May 08, 2016, 12:23:02 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have been away for a very long time (2004), I had only played FF and remember down loading countless MODs.
Even got to play a few, Spidey and MK's, Fantastic Force etc then Marvel threw around it's legal weight and Boom
we lost the skindex (I think that's what is was called).  Shortly there after my PC caught a nasty virus, the HD platter
spun continuously at enormous speeds beyond spec until the platter cracked.  Lost everything  :angry:  So with that
I gave up on FF figuring under threat of Marvel's legal actions it would die a quick quiet death anyway.  Fast foward
2016 Lo and behold I see that FF and FFvTTR are on steam!  I come here and find that FF is alive and well.  So I have
downloaded all the Mods I could find.  I was wondering if the Mini Mods listed (Flash & Green Arrow in particular) are
being hosted anywhere?  Any help would be great!  Thank you!

I also want to download the mods of XMEN and Fantastic four but I couldn't download.  Can you share the link.

PS - Thanks for this awesome list of Mods Previsionary!

I also wanted to download XMEN AND Fantastic Four but I could not Download. Can you please share the link.


X-Men:  you'll have to specify which one you want, as there are a few of them.  BTW, there only seems to be one with a link working: X-Men: Brave New World.

Fantastic Four:


Quote from: ShedowSit on March 31, 2016, 04:28:34 AM is dead?._.

These are the things which are not certainly good as dead ?