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Maybe just a little more mod help?

Started by fanboy1, February 14, 2011, 08:47:34 PM

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Greetings all.
Though this is a first post, I actually am a FF veteran from waayyy back, original forum boards even. So pleased to see I recognize many names here.

Anyways! So I just got a hot-rod new PC, and had a yen to try some  :ff: and  :ffvstr:. I took advantage of a STEAM sale, and both games play just fine. Even installed some new meshes, skins, and so I remember how to do that.

Questions about mods; I presume they're possible to play under STEAM? If so, I just need some clarification on installation and what path name for a shortcut.
For example, I have tommyboy's LSH mod unzipped to a folder on my desktop. Where should I move it to in a typical STEAM directory? After that, just copy a shortcut and change to path to an .exe file in there, or what? Both of the FF game shortcuts on my desktop have something like "steam://rungameid/8880" as a url. Is that like a path name for a mod shortcut?

Hope I'm asking the right questions. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


Welcome back to FR!

There is a post in the Game FAQ about where to find your base game files and how to set up a mod shortcut.

I think you want to drop the LSH folder into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force vs. the 3rd reich and then set up your shortcut to start the mod. I believe Tommy's LSH mod comes with a shortcut in the mod folder. You can copy that to the desktop (or your Start Menu, if you prefer) and change it to make sure it works with the way steam places the game folders. When you've made the changes, the shortcut will have a Target field that looks like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force vs. the 3rd reich\ffvt3r.exe" -log -game LSH and a Start in field that looks like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force vs. the 3rd reich\".

Hope this helps.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Success!  Winner winner, chicken dinner!  :thumbup:
Thanks for the tips, stumpy! The location to drop the file in like you told me was exactly right. I remembered from way back that a mod folder usually went into the main FF or FFVT3R folder, but I was a little confused because googling for tips on mod installation in STEAM got me some info on Half-Life mods that need to go into the "sourcemods" folder. Wasn't sure if that applied to FF mods also.
The other hurdle was not copying and changing the path on the shortcuts that STEAM provides for the games. Those just have a path option to some web url only; The right thing to do was right-click on the desktop and CREATE a shortcut with the location you gave me.

Thanks again for the response and help!