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Marvel Adventures Vol. 2 - New Release!!

Started by BentonGrey, August 14, 2012, 02:32:42 AM

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First of all @BentonGrey thanks for all the work on all the  :ffvstr: mods. For the Marvel Adventures vol 2.0.

When I play the mod, I notice that when: using the right mouse button to show the attack powers on an opponent, I do not see their energy usage for a couple of the powers on the top of the list. I do sometimes see them for the powers at the bottom of a list. I noticed the same thing in the Spiderman and Ghostbusters mod. I am using Windows 10 and the version of  :ffvstr: .

So can anyone help?


Howdy Lunati, and thanks for the kind words! 

Wow, I'm afraid I've never encountered that.  I have no idea what would cause that.  I assume it's some kind of weirdness with Windows 10, but I'm not sure.  You might try playing in compatibility mode for XP SP 2 or 3, but I'm not sure that would do anything.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Quote from: BentonGrey on December 12, 2017, 02:25:33 PM
Howdy Lunati, and thanks for the kind words! 

Wow, I'm afraid I've never encountered that.  I have no idea what would cause that.  I assume it's some kind of weirdness with Windows 10, but I'm not sure.  You might try playing in compatibility mode for XP SP 2 or 3, but I'm not sure that would do anything.

Thanks. I just got a reply on the Technical Issues forum, it seems to be an FFX 3.3 feature called 'Overspend Energy w/Stun Risk' . Quite a newbie experience, just seems it was a setting I didn't knew I was using. Turned it off and it seems fine now.


Ahh, see, I'm so used to that always being there that it didn't even occur to me as a factor.  It's funny how familiarity can blind us.  Anyway I hope you enjoy the mod!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Just finished the Spiderman Mod on Marvel Adventures Vol 2. , really nice mod  :D. Like the variation of the Marvel characters, there's a nice range to choose from in the end. Really enjoyed it, really a nice way to revisit  :ffvstr:

@BentonGrey What is the best way to give feedback on the mod and prevent spoilers for others?


Just played the X-Men Solo mod in this series, please note that when an objective states 'Sneak past guard'  :ph34r:, the objective isn't actually to sneak past unseen. It just means, kill the guard before he sounds an alarm. Just sneaking by unseen doesn't give you the objective, although it does give you more of an advantage, since every battle not fought is also HP's not reduced  :cool:


Howdy Lunati!  I'm delighted you enjoyed the mod!  I'm glad you found the cast of Spider-Man campaign engaging.  As these always do, the project got away from me!  ;)

The best way to give feedback would be here, using the spoiler feature. 

As for the "Sneak" objectives, essentially they are all jerry-rigged, as EZScript, which I use to create them, has no way to do this properly.  There's no mechanism to detect NOT knocking somebody out.  So, you "complete" the objectives even if you don't complete the objectives.  Essentially, the only way to fail is to let the guard escape to summon his buddies. 

So, any other feedback or thoughts?  I love hearing from players!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


* SPOILER ALERT * scroll down to see more about my feedback on the Spiderman Mod and X-men mod (not the solo) and also the X-men solo mod...

I running the version of  :ffvstr: on Windows 10 Home Edition 64bit. Since I have some feedback on the visuals I note this here.

I will start with the Spider-Man mod. 1) Some of the levels had some loose items in the levels, that showed pink textures. Although it wasn't that noticable. 2) Another texture issue I noticed, sometimes powers would show either purple or red ribbons, looked like a texture error. 3) Sometimes at the end of a level, there keeps to be some kind of 'thumbing' sound that just keeps repeating, don't really know what that's about. 4) On the last level, that is a Mod Ghost to choose a side, this didn't work. All villans just fought with each other and I could just wait out their battle, and just finish off the winners. Might work better to fight three groups of villans at once, then the next three groups step by step. E.g. by when entering a crossing have them north, east and west of the heroes group. So you are forced to engage.

For the X-men mod (not the solo one, but the other one). Well that is quite a large mod, well done. 1) In the first (there might be more) level with Magneto, there the entire surface the heroes walked on was pink. From there on out, also some of the hero textures turned pink in every following level. When defending the X-men mansion it became barely playable, since most of the heroes had pink textures by then. So I am thinking of stopping there, since with so many pink heroes it is just not playable in the levels that follow. (to quote Guybrush Threepwood... but it's it's pink!) 2) From the first level with Magneto, I got double heroes. The heroes that I chose and the AI heroes in the levels overlap. This also happened later. And there was a level where in the cutscene Professor X says I will stay behind and monitor the situation, then I would expect Professor X to NOT be available for the mission, although he was.

Still the X-Men solo mod, was overall the best, when just looking at the graphics presentation. 1) There were only some issues on the Gambit levels, with some small pink textures on small blocks in the scenery, although that could have been anything. It at least did not register as a health, energy or prestige cannister when playing.

Thanks for the mods, just love that this good old game can still be enjoyed with so many interesting mods.


Howdy Lunati!  Thanks for the feedback! 

I'm traveling at the moment and don't have time for testing and the like, but I want to point out a few different things.

First, some of the graphical issues you're having might be a matter of a memory leak in FF.  I don't think that all of those are missing textures, as others haven't reported them  (but I will, of course, test and check these things out).  If you play for an extended period of time and without restarting your computer, you can get memory leaks that cause such issues.  It SHOULDN'T be happening, because I've replaced all of the skins with DDS instead of TGA, but it's still happening, and I don't know why.  Try restarting and seeing if those levels will be any better.

Second, the 'spirit of the mod' in Spider-Man shouldn't be offering to let you choose a side, he should be letting you chose some allies.

Third, yeah, being able to bring the same X-Men into the mission that are allies IN the mission is a mistake.  Which missions did that happen on?

Thanks again!  When I get home I'll see what I can figure out about this.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Cyber Burn

Hi Lunati, quick questions for you if you don't mind. The pinking issue, is it happening more on the Characters or the Maps? And if it is the Characters, is it occurring with particular ones more than others?


@Bentongrey Thanks for the feedback, I will certainly test the restart and do the levels again to see if the 'pink' issue is a memory problem. Could well be the case, since I was playing longer than usual. The duplicate heroes only appeared in the X-men (not the solo) mod, in the first level with Magneto and when defending the mansion.

@Cyber Burn The pinking issue is happening more on Characters in de X-men (not the solo) mod, and for the characters it now was mainly Storm, Wolverine, Banshee. I think it were mostly heroes I chose more often, so that could then be related to a FF memory issue.


@Bentongrey I looked into the X-men mod (not the solo) and found a couple of things of interest.

  • First of all, most mods warn me that it has been compiled with a unlicenced compiler, I just ignore this and say yes play this mod.
  • I save the games always between the missions. Now I noticed that the mod might have skipped a couple of levels in the mod. Since my savegames go from '03X breaking the inner circle' to '06X brothers and sisters', so could it be that I am skipping level 04 and 05 in this mod?
  • Restarting the PC did not solve the 'pink' problem, it still occurs on the level with Magneto on the ground surface that is completely pink. And then if I load any of the savegames past that, the characters are pink, boots and ears on Wolverine, Cape on Storm is pink, hair on Banshee. I can't really see a pattern on that, except that maybe not loading the Magneto level might help.
  • There seems to be an issue with the level with Magneto and the pink ground surface, only if I load that first the pink problem also occurs on characters. If I do not load it first, and go straight to loading the level when defending the mansion the characters do look good. Well only one new problem occurs, Banshee is shown as walking AND flying model at the same time. This is also the level with the doubles: Iceman, Wolverine and Banshee from the start on this level.

Hope this can be debugged when you return from your travels.


* SPOILER ALERT * scroll down to see more about my feedback on the Invaders mod...

In the fourth (and possible) final mission, where you encounter a couple of foes in an enclosed space. There is the blue flying one, when I just ran past them and later returened it appeared to be 'stuck to the ceiling' and then got beyond that. So that I could not defeat that one, to continue the game. So I had to restart, that foe just went to infinitiy and beyond ;-). Might it be possible to lower the ceiling in a level, so a player can always see the foe, when zoomed out completely?

After the fourth mission, when Zemo is defeated there is still a bit of epilogue. So is it intended to end on that, since after that I get a mission where I can not select any heroes for the mission, but I can Enter the Fray, just to get to a big black nothing ;-) ingame.

I liked the Invaders mod, but I think that is mostly because of the famililarity with Captain America. And I found it quite though to figure out the level, where there was a displaced character. First I though I just really neede the hero with electric power, although in the end it came down to get him pinned down and blasting everything I've got at him. That kinda worked. It did get a bit tedious though.

Overall I think I like the city levels in the mods the best, versus heroes you can hit (not too much displacement). I like the way the scenery and buildings can be used in offence and defence. Makes it an interesting tactical challenge. The confined spaces, like in the fourth level of Invaders, it's a bit too easy to just lure the foes into a funnel and pick them off one by one. The most difficult level for me was the one with the X-men solo with Gambit, since there was almost no scenery for cover. So if you are planning on expanding some of the mods, I would be most interested in the city levels ;-). My favorites so far are the X-men and Spiderman mods.


* SPOILER ALERT * scroll down to see more about my feedback on the mods: Ironman, Fantastic 4 and Thor...

Ironman Mod: The mod did not run with the exe file. So I tried to copy the campdef.dat to the main map of MA, as I did before with the Fantastic 4 mod. It looks like in the Ironman Mod the cutscenes, are cut short or do not work at all. It seems that I am missing most of the story after the first mission.

Fantastic 4 mod: Although I didn't like the heroes in this series, I did play the first level. And I did like the way you created a nice puzzle to see how to get the heroes back together, using one of the heroes Invisibility and/or Shield powers. Would love to see this kind of mechanic in an X-men mod story. E.g. to use the 'walking trough walls' power (if this is possible in FFvs3R).

Thor mod: I only played the first level, and I would expect the shield to drop on the Executioner when I defeated the Sorceres. But since this did not happen, to me the endgame to defeat the Executioner seems kind of a mission impossible. Since I also could not find any other way to disable the shield he is using.

Well lot's to read when you get back from your travels  :rolleyes:.


Howdy Lunati!  Thanks for all of the feedback!  It looks like you've managed to find a bunch of bugs.  I'm sorry I've been out of touch for so long, but I'm home and have finished getting ready for the semester, so I'm ready to start troubleshooting.  I'm going to post your PMs here below so I can keep everything in one place, if you don't mind. 


I thought I would better sent you a seperate message for this. Since I am quite new to this mod business, and it might already been mentioned on the forum. There seem to be some issues with the compiler. I'll explain below.

1) For the mods I've played so far (Spiderman, Avengers, X-Men Solo, X-men (up to the point it gets pink ;-) ) and Guardians of the Galaxy (although I stopped at the second mission, because well, they are just not my taste in heroes) I get the following message:
"You may NOT distribute the [name of mod] EXE with the free version of the compiler.
Run the program as normal console window?
Make sure you TRUST the source of this file before pushing YES"

So I press YES, and these mods work and run fine. Is it possible to have this message removed?

2) Now I also tried the Fantastic Four exe, only it now goes a step further regarding the compiler:
"This program was made with an Unlicenced compiler. Please buy the PRO version to distribute your EXE."

Is there a way to get around this?

I already found the workaround in the Readme ;-) to try out the Fantastic Four mod, again not my cup of tea ;-), just like the Guardians mod.
Still you made some great stories, with so many interesting characters, and all those backstories included. Great work!

Just loved the X-men mods and stories (although haven't played through the last one completely), just think in one of the mods Wolverine's healing speed and Iceman's healing speed is quite overpowered. And learned that I like Banshee, an X-men I just did not know untill this mod. And liked what you did with Spiderman and including Daredevil and Luke Cage in that one. In the X-men solo game, if was a nice challenge to figure out how to use Gambit's powers, since that one was I think the most challenging.

Let just see what the next mods hold, Invaders is up next. Already did a sneak peek, nice job on the American colors power effects on Captain America. Also have the Pulp Adventures mod for later... reminded me a bit of the DnD spin-off Pathfinder (never played though), looking at the heroes selection.

Thanks for the feedback, man.  I'm really glad you enjoyed the X-Men and Spider-Man mods, and I am very pleased that I was able to introduce you to appreciation of a great character like Banshee.  I am still not 100% happy with Wolverine and Iceman's healing, so I may tweak them eventually.  Wolverine may be as close as I can get him, though, as his healing should be powerful, but it should be able to be overcome.  CB gets the credit for the lovely Cap FX, and I can take zero credit for any of the art assets.  They've all been made by folks WAY more talented than me.  :D

I'm going to make a list of issues you've had so I can work through them.  Let me know if there's anything you'd like to add/clairfy.  I'll put commentary after the entry when I've tested and tweaked.  That will be in red.

The issues reported so far are:


  • Allied characters showing up as choices in first Magneto mission and defend the Mansion. Fixed
  • EXEs are reporting an unlicensed compiler I'm afraid that this is just the price I pay for using a free compiler.
  • X-Men campaign skipping from 3 to 6. (No, that is not supposed to be happening, and you are missing two levels there, somehow.)  I've checked the campaign files, and they are correct.  I'll play through soon and see if I can replicate this.
  • Pink/missing textures in several places, including Magneto mission, and with extras on Wolverine and other characters.


  • Character lost in ceiling in 4th mission. That is probably just a map glitch, and shouldn't be something that would occur all the time (I hope).  Some maps imported from FF1 will do weird things occasionally, and I'm afraid that's beyond me to fix.  You CAN, however, change the settings for the camera so you can zoom out further, which would at least allow you to see the guy.  Anyone remember how to do that?
  • After 4th level is blank mission.  Yes, that is the final mission, and I've got a placeholder there for if I decide to add more and to prevent a possible bug that can cause crashes if you have too few missions in a campaign.
  • You've got a comment about that mission and a guy with electric powers, but I don't quite understand what you're saying, I'm afraid.

Iron Man

  • Iron Man EXE not working, campaign copy resulting in broken campaign. Fortunately, this one I figured out.  I somehow forgot an unfade command, and with that replaced, everything is working as it should.  I'll release an update once I get the rest of this sorted out.  The EXE is a separate matter, though.


  • Shield doesn't drop when you defeat Enchantress. This one, at least, I can solve for you.  You don't need to defeat Enchantress, you need to destroy the mask that should spawn next to them.  I thought the dialog would be clear enough, but I see that the objective probably makes that a bit confusing.[/color]

I will definitely need some community help to narrow down/replicate, and troubleshoot here, so help is welcome!

At first glance, I'm seeing a lot of stuff I haven't heard before and some rather odd errors.  I'm rather wondering if you got a bad download.  If I can't replicate some of these errors, I'd suggest redownloading the mod.

The EXE trouble might have to do with false positives from your antivirus.  The way they work is by copying and deleting files, which makes a lot of antivirus programs panic.  You can add them as exceptions though, as I am sure they are okay.  I built them myself from a few lines of code and an icon, so there shouldn't be anything harmful in them.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Benton, i haven't tried any of the campaigns besides Shield and Spidey but i thought Guardians was only one mission?


Thanks Bentongrey for getting back. I will be adding my comments in blue, as a response on some remarks / questions. And it's no problem you posted the PM's, for me it was because I just did not know how to use the Spoiler feature then. So sent them as PM to be on the safe side.

I'm going to make a list of issues you've had so I can work through them.  Let me know if there's anything you'd like to add/clairfy.  I'll put commentary after the entry when I've tested and tweaked.  That will be in red.

The issues reported so far are:


  • Allied characters showing up as choices in first Magneto mission and defend the Mansion. Fixed
  • EXEs are reporting an unlicensed compiler I'm afraid that this is just the price I pay for using a free compiler.
  • X-Men campaign skipping from 3 to 6. (No, that is not supposed to be happening, and you are missing two levels there, somehow.)  I've checked the campaign files, and they are correct.  I'll play through soon and see if I can replicate this.
  • Pink/missing textures in several places, including Magneto mission, and with extras on Wolverine and other characters. It seems to start at the Magneto mission, on that mission (even when restarting the PC to clear the memory banks) the ground surface is pink.


  • Character lost in ceiling in 4th mission. That is probably just a map glitch, and shouldn't be something that would occur all the time (I hope).  Some maps imported from FF1 will do weird things occasionally, and I'm afraid that's beyond me to fix.  You CAN, however, change the settings for the camera so you can zoom out further, which would at least allow you to see the guy.  Anyone remember how to do that?
  • After 4th level is blank mission.  Yes, that is the final mission, and I've got a placeholder there for if I decide to add more and to prevent a possible bug that can cause crashes if you have too few missions in a campaign.
  • You've got a comment about that mission and a guy with electric powers, but I don't quite understand what you're saying, I'm afraid.  To clarify...
    ... there is a mission with an end boss that has Discplace powers. That end boss is vulnerable to Electric powers, since the end boss kept on Displacing and I could not really get anywhere with the powers I got in my hero group, I decided to choose a hero with Electric powers. But in the end it did not really matter, it was just a matter of shooting all powers at once when the end boss was not Displaced.

Iron Man

  • Iron Man EXE not working, campaign copy resulting in broken campaign. Fortunately, this one I figured out.  I somehow forgot an unfade command, and with that replaced, everything is working as it should.  I'll release an update once I get the rest of this sorted out.  The EXE is a separate matter, though. Thanks, the EXE is not the problem for me. I do know the workaround, it was just that the cutscenes were cut short and I was missing the story.


  • Shield doesn't drop when you defeat Enchantress. This one, at least, I can solve for you.  You don't need to defeat Enchantress, you need to destroy the mask that should spawn next to them.  I thought the dialog would be clear enough, but I see that the objective probably makes that a bit confusing. Thanks, I will revisit this. On the subject of dialog, is there a way to make the dialog 'click to continue' , I do often miss pieces of dialog because it runs too fast for me.

I will definitely need some community help to narrow down/replicate, and troubleshoot here, so help is welcome!

At first glance, I'm seeing a lot of stuff I haven't heard before and some rather odd errors.  I'm rather wondering if you got a bad download.  If I can't replicate some of these errors, I'd suggest redownloading the mod.

The EXE trouble might have to do with false positives from your antivirus.  The way they work is by copying and deleting files, which makes a lot of antivirus programs panic.  You can add them as exceptions though, as I am sure they are okay.  I built them myself from a few lines of code and an icon, so there shouldn't be anything harmful in them. I had not EXE trouble with false positives, I already added those to the exeptions. The only thing related to an EXE for me was a reference to the free compiler that was used.


You're welcome Lunati!  Good idea about the blue.  That should help us keep things straight. 

The issues reported so far are:


  • Allied characters showing up as choices in first Magneto mission and defend the Mansion. Fixed
  • EXEs are reporting an unlicensed compiler I'm afraid that this is just the price I pay for using a free compiler.
  • X-Men campaign skipping from 3 to 6. (No, that is not supposed to be happening, and you are missing two levels there, somehow.)  I've checked the campaign files, and they are correct.  I'll play through soon and see if I can replicate this.
  • Pink/missing textures in several places, including Magneto mission, and with extras on Wolverine and other characters. It seems to start at the Magneto mission, on that mission (even when restarting the PC to clear the memory banks) the ground surface is pink. Thanks for the clarification, Lunati.  Can anyone else tell me if they're experiencing this?  I feel like something may be wrong with my texture conversions, but I can't isolate the problem.  It's rather vexing.  I'm going to make a separate note of this.  Oddly, it seems to only be affecting certain characters in certain situations.


  • Character lost in ceiling in 4th mission. That is probably just a map glitch, and shouldn't be something that would occur all the time (I hope).  Some maps imported from FF1 will do weird things occasionally, and I'm afraid that's beyond me to fix.  You CAN, however, change the settings for the camera so you can zoom out further, which would at least allow you to see the guy.  Anyone remember how to do that?
  • After 4th level is blank mission.  Yes, that is the final mission, and I've got a placeholder there for if I decide to add more and to prevent a possible bug that can cause crashes if you have too few missions in a campaign.
  • You've got a comment about that mission and a guy with electric powers, but I don't quite understand what you're saying, I'm afraid.  To clarify...
    ... there is a mission with an end boss that has Discplace powers. That end boss is vulnerable to Electric powers, since the end boss kept on Displacing and I could not really get anywhere with the powers I got in my hero group, I decided to choose a hero with Electric powers. But in the end it did not really matter, it was just a matter of shooting all powers at once when the end boss was not Displaced.
    Okay, I think I figured this one out.  I think you're talking about the 2nd mission and Baron Blood (I was really confused because I thought you were talking about #4, where no-one has displacing abilities.  Here's the weird thing.  Blood's defense power was already deleted from his character entry, so he shouldn't be able to use it.  This leads me to a question, when did you download this mod, and did you start the campaign before downloading an update?

Iron Man

  • Iron Man EXE not working, campaign copy resulting in broken campaign. Fortunately, this one I figured out.  I somehow forgot an unfade command, and with that replaced, everything is working as it should.  I'll release an update once I get the rest of this sorted out.  The EXE is a separate matter, though. Thanks, the EXE is not the problem for me. I do know the workaround, it was just that the cutscenes were cut short and I was missing the story.


  • Shield doesn't drop when you defeat Enchantress. This one, at least, I can solve for you.  You don't need to defeat Enchantress, you need to destroy the mask that should spawn next to them.  I thought the dialog would be clear enough, but I see that the objective probably makes that a bit confusing. Thanks, I will revisit this. On the subject of dialog, is there a way to make the dialog 'click to continue' , I do often miss pieces of dialog because it runs too fast for me. / I'm afraid not.  The dialog moves at a speed determined by the game.  I've started doing it in shorter chunks to avoid this problem, but some earlier missions still have dialog that is a little too long to catch all the time.  Sorry!

So, a couple of thoughts. 

First, changes that I make to characters, powers, or the like, including team compositions during a mission, won't update for saved games.  I'm afraid that's a native problem that I can't fix, so you'll need to restart campaigns to see those types of changes. 

The textures problems with the X-Men missions are troubling.  (by the way, thanks, your having issues with that mission made me go back and realize a mistake I made in the script!  Random!)  If the map is pink, that SHOULD mean that the texture is missing, but that's a vanilla texture that should be in the game no matter what, so that isn't the problem, I don't think.  The problem MAY be with the map, somehow, but I can't figure it out.  This needs more testing and I may need the help of some skinners who know more about the technical side of this than I do.  I'm seeing this regularly with Banshee, Angel, Storm, and Thor.  It seems like their extras, the stuff not on their main skin file, are showing up pink, but the skins themselves are displaying properly.  Notably, the display fine in other parts of the game/Charactertool.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Cyber Burn

In regards to the Meshes with Pinking issues, I've been going through a few here and there (It's given me a whole new perspective on this issue). Some of the things that have, in my opinion, contributed to the Pinking, includes, but is not limited to:

1. Non- converted Meshes and/or Skins.

2. Too many Meshes and/or Skins in your "Characters" Folder.

3. Too many Meshes and/or Skins with the same naming convention (,, etc.).

4. And oddly enough, the chain reaction effect. One Pinks, and the more start to pink.


CB, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to examine this.  It has seemed utterly mystifying to me, so your efforts at sorting out what is causing it, demystifying it, are extremely helpful.  Thanks man.  As always, you're the man.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Quote from: Cyber Burn on February 02, 2018, 01:06:46 AM
In regards to the Meshes with Pinking issues, I've been going through a few here and there (It's given me a whole new perspective on this issue). Some of the things that have, in my opinion, contributed to the Pinking, includes, but is not limited to:

1. Non- converted Meshes and/or Skins.

2. Too many Meshes and/or Skins in your "Characters" Folder.

3. Too many Meshes and/or Skins with the same naming convention (,, etc.).

4. And oddly enough, the chain reaction effect. One Pinks, and the more start to pink.

I think #3 is the core of most issues.   The game and associated programs aren't really optimal with memory. and there seems to be a limit to what the engine can load effectively.  Having multiple files with the same names definitely exacerbates the problem as the engine is designed to seek out shortcuts to save on memory.  Think about how you can have multiple skin folders, but all of the extra textures could be in the standard folder.  the game will try to find the fewest amount of texture files to render,  and I believe that FFVTTR will seek out DDS with first.

Another issue is that when we convert .tga to .dds, sometimes the compression fails and the .dds files are empty.  This happens a lot to _glow files because they are usually solid black.  So, the game will try to load an empty file, and this causes a pink mesh.
The most surefire way to reduce pink meshes in my opinion is naming texture files for specific meshes, using good quality DDS files, and removing any _refl or _glow if the character doesn't really need it.  That should cause the texture to load up quickly, and without fail.


You're welcome Lunati!  Good idea about the blue.  That should help us keep things straight. New comments are Blue that follow a Red text.
The issues reported so far are:


  • Allied characters showing up as choices in first Magneto mission and defend the Mansion. Fixed
  • EXEs are reporting an unlicensed compiler I'm afraid that this is just the price I pay for using a free compiler.
  • X-Men campaign skipping from 3 to 6. (No, that is not supposed to be happening, and you are missing two levels there, somehow.)  I've checked the campaign files, and they are correct.  I'll play through soon and see if I can replicate this.
  • Pink/missing textures in several places, including Magneto mission, and with extras on Wolverine and other characters. It seems to start at the Magneto mission, on that mission (even when restarting the PC to clear the memory banks) the ground surface is pink. Thanks for the clarification, Lunati.  Can anyone else tell me if they're experiencing this?  I feel like something may be wrong with my texture conversions, but I can't isolate the problem.  It's rather vexing.  I'm going to make a separate note of this.  Oddly, it seems to only be affecting certain characters in certain situations. Thanks Cyber Burn for sorting out the pink issue, looking forward to a fix. As well as for the fix on the level / story continuation. Then I can get back to playing X-men.


  • Character lost in ceiling in 4th mission. That is probably just a map glitch, and shouldn't be something that would occur all the time (I hope).  Some maps imported from FF1 will do weird things occasionally, and I'm afraid that's beyond me to fix.  You CAN, however, change the settings for the camera so you can zoom out further, which would at least allow you to see the guy.  Anyone remember how to do that?
  • After 4th level is blank mission.  Yes, that is the final mission, and I've got a placeholder there for if I decide to add more and to prevent a possible bug that can cause crashes if you have too few missions in a campaign.
  • You've got a comment about that mission and a guy with electric powers, but I don't quite understand what you're saying, I'm afraid.  To clarify...
    ... there is a mission with an end boss that has Discplace powers. That end boss is vulnerable to Electric powers, since the end boss kept on Displacing and I could not really get anywhere with the powers I got in my hero group, I decided to choose a hero with Electric powers. But in the end it did not really matter, it was just a matter of shooting all powers at once when the end boss was not Displaced.
    Okay, I think I figured this one out.  I think you're talking about the 2nd mission and Baron Blood (I was really confused because I thought you were talking about #4, where no-one has displacing abilities.  Here's the weird thing.  Blood's defense power was already deleted from his character entry, so he shouldn't be able to use it.  This leads me to a question, when did you download this mod, and did you start the campaign before downloading an update? I did download the mod in end november / begin december 2017 last year. Although for me this is not really an issue anymore, since I already finished this mod. So if you already say it's resolved, it's resolved  :D

Iron Man

  • Iron Man EXE not working, campaign copy resulting in broken campaign. Fortunately, this one I figured out.  I somehow forgot an unfade command, and with that replaced, everything is working as it should.  I'll release an update once I get the rest of this sorted out.  The EXE is a separate matter, though. Thanks, the EXE is not the problem for me. I do know the workaround, it was just that the cutscenes were cut short and I was missing the story. * Looking forward to the fix [bug has been figured out]


  • Shield doesn't drop when you defeat Enchantress. This one, at least, I can solve for you.  You don't need to defeat Enchantress, you need to destroy the mask that should spawn next to them.  I thought the dialog would be clear enough, but I see that the objective probably makes that a bit confusing. Thanks, I will revisit this. On the subject of dialog, is there a way to make the dialog 'click to continue' , I do often miss pieces of dialog because it runs too fast for me. / I'm afraid not.  The dialog moves at a speed determined by the game.  I've started doing it in shorter chunks to avoid this problem, but some earlier missions still have dialog that is a little too long to catch all the time.  Sorry!Thanks, destroying the mask works fine. Won't be playing this any further though, I'm just not so much into this theme of Thor.

So, a couple of thoughts. 

First, changes that I make to characters, powers, or the like, including team compositions during a mission, won't update for saved games.  I'm afraid that's a native problem that I can't fix, so you'll need to restart campaigns to see those types of changes.  Thanks, that is good to know. For me it's only the X-men and Iron Man mod I will play, and X-men I would be okay to revisit. In Ironman, I only played the first mission, so no problem there.

The textures problems with the X-Men missions are troubling.  (by the way, thanks, your having issues with that mission made me go back and realize a mistake I made in the script!  Random!)  If the map is pink, that SHOULD mean that the texture is missing, but that's a vanilla texture that should be in the game no matter what, so that isn't the problem, I don't think.  The problem MAY be with the map, somehow, but I can't figure it out.  This needs more testing and I may need the help of some skinners who know more about the technical side of this than I do.  I'm seeing this regularly with Banshee, Angel, Storm, and Thor.  It seems like their extras, the stuff not on their main skin file, are showing up pink, but the skins themselves are displaying properly.  Notably, the display fine in other parts of the game/Charactertool. Kudos for the contributions of Cyber Burn and Detourne_me on this.  :cool:

Conclusion: In my opinion Thor and Invaders issues have been resolved. Only open issues to be fixed are for the X-Men and Ironman. Might be good when making a new post to just include these.


Right, Lunati, once I sort out the pinking issue, I'll upload an updated version which should also fix the Ironman issues.

DM, CB, thanks so much for the help here!  So, if I were to split up the MA mesh folder into subfolders, say, splitting into 5 or 6 subgroups, do you think that would solve this?  That would obviously be much more do-able than to edit file names and meshes for tons of skins.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Cyber Burn

Unfortunately, that wouldn't be a guaranteed fix, there are still some Meshes that would still "Pink", and then the chain reaction effect would occur. I think there would be less pinking, but with the subfolders, but as long as there are still multiple Meshes with the same texture names, I think that the Pinking will continue. I'm still experimenting with this though.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on February 04, 2018, 04:13:00 AM
Unfortunately, that wouldn't be a guaranteed fix, there are still some Meshes that would still "Pink", and then the chain reaction effect would occur. I think there would be less pinking, but with the subfolders, but as long as there are still multiple Meshes with the same texture names, I think that the Pinking will continue. I'm still experimenting with this though.
In this case, would giving a unique name to the texture files and editing accordingly the texture's File Name attribute in the .nif file do (e.g., renaming to Or are the issues with memory management too fundamental for this trick to be worth the hassle?
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Cyber Burn

That's actually what I've been experimenting on with my Decoys and Freedom Forcers. Still testing boundaries and limits though.

It would help if I actually had some free time though.

Cyber Burn

With altering the Texture Names, and setting up the Nif Files to accept them, it seems the tests with the Decoys and Freedom Forcer Skopes/Skins was successful. So now I'm veeeerrrryyyy slooowwwllyyy working on the X-Men in the MA Mod to see if I eventually get the same results. But with my schedule, as it is, and all the other commitments I have, who knows how long this will take.

So far, I have:



Okay, that's important to know.  Thanks, CB, for tackling this.  I'll just release an update with what I have, and then there's no hurry on the pinking issue.  I appreciate you working on it at all, but it seems like it is not affecting all of the mod or even all players, so it isn't game-breaking, however annoying it is.  If you'll keep plugging away at it, I'd certainly appreciate your help!  As always, you're the man.  :D
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Benton, i'm sorry if this has already been covered but i'm having trouble playing the in the4 snowy map used in the X-men first mission campaign with the X-men vs the Aplkha Flight.

Let me clarify that the mission works perfectly in the campaign but when i select the map in the RR, the games crashes. The name of the map in the RR list is "01x training day".


Hmm, that's weird.  I GUESS I've probably deleted some markers needed for RR play.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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