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Issue 57: FX recolouring

Started by Jimaras8, October 22, 2013, 01:13:44 PM

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Here is an example:
scott_lang_desc_01, reformed burglar and electronics expert serving as the second ant-man

Hahha, i understand your concern hoss but that's not the case. I always generate the files and that's the crazy thing, every other thing that i write from a full bio to a change name for the character (black knight instead of blacknight) generates wonderfully in-game. Everything appears except the short descriptions. It drives me crazy because i do nothing differently for those than for the other entries, i just fill the desc_01 with a sentence like i do for every other thing.


I know this has been asked before but every tutorial that you guys suggested cannot be found anymore. Both the wiki and the frp site are down so i'm forcedto ask this here. How can i fix the ghosting problem in minion meshes like Nova Corps, Hydra, Shiar guards etc? I saw something about Python but not a detailed tutorial. I would appreciate the help as this has plagued me for a while now.
Modify message


Hello guys, i haven't updated this thread in a long time but something came up and i need assistance. When i brand and add custom characters in the dat file some powers are getting downgraded to level one. Usually 2 of them. This appears only in Rumble Room. Any ideas?

Edit: Also an additional minor issue. Has anyone else a pink map problem with the latest version of Marvel Adventures? 90% of spider-man campaign is pink maps.


To fix that, just open the character in the Character tab and set the Start Level for both Tier A and Tier B's power sets to '6'. That will put all powers at level 3.


Thanks a lot spyder, always to the rescue  :thumbup:. Do you have any reccomendations for the pink map prblem? Are there files missing?


Definitely sounds like missing files, to me. You might want to contact Benton's about that since he should have all of the map's textures with him.


Ok, this is a big one. two days ago all my mod tools were working perfectly. Today i branded a new hero and i added him to my dat. I don't know if it's relevant but it was hero file based on AA's kirin mesh from his QMEN package. Anyway as i added him to dat from the RR tool in-game i tried to open the FFEDIT to change his template. There was no error involced, the program just didn't open. My task manager recognizes that the program is running in the background but it doesn't open in my desktop. The Character Tool works fine.

This is driving me crazy because i reinstalled the mod tools, they installed fine and the FFEDIT still doesn't open. The most insane thing is that it has been working for over a month since i made this new partition in my pc PERFECTLY. Up until this day.

FYI i run a 64-bit Windows 7 system.

EDIT: And right now i realized the game is crashing as well. This message appears alert:CFastHeap::allocate, out of memory.  I have no idea what's happening.


Ohh man, Jim, that's awful.  I KNOW I've seen that error before, but I couldn't find it with a search of the forums.  I found THIS, though:

I'm afraid it isn't much help.

:EDIT: I found another thread in the archives talking about the cause being a corrupt powers.dat.  Basically, I'd try replacing .dats.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Thanks for the help Benton, i kinda found a way around it. I reinstalled everything and fortunately i had very current backups of my dats. The problem is with the fx as i added a pretty big package recently and the fx and sounds.dat that i had where previous to that inclusion. I have to manually add the fx and sounds but it's not as big of a loss as i imagined. At least my hero files are safe.

I will take a look in the problem we discussed about the mpas and i will find out if it's the root of the problem.


Thanks for the help Benton, i kinda found a way around it. I reinstalled everything and fortunately i had very current backups of my dats. The problem is with the fx as i added a pretty big package recently and the fx and sounds.dat that i had where previous to that inclusion. I have to manually add the fx and sounds but it's not as big of a loss as i imagined. At least my hero files are safe.

I will take a look in the problem we discussed about the mpas and i will find out if it's the root of the problem.


I remember some time ago i saw a sleep state made by Windblown i think. Was that released and what is the most preferable effect to use it with in FFxCC?


Hey Jim,
The sleep state swap is already a part of FFX, I only did a small fx to go with it so the characters show those ZzZ while sleeping:


If you want it, just PM your email address and I'll send it to you.


Now i remember WB. I thought it was already a different package. I did some digging and it seems to be a strange effect. It doesn't appear in the FFCC so how do i select it? Anyway my e-mail is If you find time, ssend it my way  :D


I've never released that fx, but I'll send it to you with instructions so you can use it if you want.


Much appreciated WB  :thumbup:. It looked pretty cool from the photos, might i ask why you hadn't released it? I know you have set yourself a high bar regarding FX but it looked finished.


WB, i got the fx, however i'm not sure how i can access the sleep swap change. It doesn't appear in the CC. Also which is the most suitable power to accompany it, limey lure or decrease?


Quote from: Jimaras8 on January 24, 2017, 08:33:50 AM
Much appreciated WB  :thumbup:. It looked pretty cool from the photos, might i ask why you hadn't released it? I know you have set yourself a high bar regarding FX but it looked finished.

Thanks! I hadn't released it because I usually release my fxs with the skope of the character I've made them for. And this one wasn't done for a specific character so I didn't know how to release it. I'm pretty happy how it turned out though.

Quote from: Jimaras8 on January 24, 2017, 10:15:56 AM
WB, i got the fx, however i'm not sure how i can access the sleep swap change. It doesn't appear in the CC. Also which is the most suitable power to accompany it, limey lure or decrease?

You'll have to modify your to get it working. Take a look here, at the end of the page you'll find how to do it and an example:

For a psychic sleep I use power null, for a mystic one hex.


I think i'm starting to figure it out. What does the "all" section in the end mean?


Yeah, I would recommend just taking the time at some point to read the FFX manual (it's in your FFX folder). It has a lot of neat stuff that might not be apparent on even your 50th go-around.

Things like Ranged Grapple, Sleep, Throw, Grapple, and quote a few others aren't shown in FFControlCentre.

It's an enlightening and fun read. :)

All refers to "all powers". With built-in characters, you can specify which power gets which swap, but with customs, swaps apply to all powers. So all Hex attacks would be sleep for a custom, but for a built-in, one attack could be a Hex and the other puts the opponent to sleep.


You have been an immense help guys, thanks so much. I think i will save the ffxcustom just in case. The hero in question is Pixie which Scarlet Witch has taught a sleeping spell, "Mists of Morpheus". The thing is i don't have a visual reference for the spell so i'm drawing blanks regarding the fx or the type. I'm thinking a hex effect just like WB suggested since she is a mystic. Any ideas?

Btw WB, did you do the keyframes for Pod's Pixie? If yes, great work as always.


The problems don't seem to end. After reinstalling the game today i noticed that the characters have to be within a minimum distance away to perform ranged attacks. I would swear that i could use beams and projectiles from point blank range 2 days ago. Now the character has to retreat 2 meters away from the target o perform the attack. Why did this happen?


Quote from: Jimaras8 on January 25, 2017, 08:54:17 AM
You have been an immense help guys, thanks so much. I think i will save the ffxcustom just in case. The hero in question is Pixie which Scarlet Witch has taught a sleeping spell, "Mists of Morpheus". The thing is i don't have a visual reference for the spell so i'm drawing blanks regarding the fx or the type. I'm thinking a hex effect just like WB suggested since she is a mystic. Any ideas?

Here's a couple of visual references for you, she wasn't very good at thatt spell at first:


It looks like a standard pink fx.

And thanks for your comment at Pixie's kf  :)

Quote from: Jimaras8 on January 26, 2017, 06:00:24 PM
The problems don't seem to end. After reinstalling the game today i noticed that the characters have to be within a minimum distance away to perform ranged attacks. I would swear that i could use beams and projectiles from point blank range 2 days ago. Now the character has to retreat 2 meters away from the target o perform the attack. Why did this happen?

I think my characters have always acted like that, not sure though.


Yes, it seems a good old alchemiss repel will do the trick. One last question before i write the line. Does the character need to be added to the dat or can he be custom and the py file recognize him?

As for the kfs, you are always doing top notch job WB, very inventive and fun keyframes and fx. You are Podmark are the Golden duo  :thumbup:. I also figured out the distance thing. If you enable the "no minimum distance" option in CC your character can fire their ranged attacks at any range. It comes pretty handy for me.


Howdy fellas. I was wondering if it was possible to change the names of the shapeshifter forms in CC so they can appear more accurate in-game. For example i have made an Ursa Major hero file and i don't know if you are familiar but he is a mutant with the ability to transform into a bear. I have given him the "shapeshifter" attribute in his human form and the "temporary form" attribute in his bear form. The command name in the CC is CUSTOM_FORM1. Is there any way to change it so it can appear as "bear form" in-game instead of "first form"? I tried CUSTOM_BEARFORM but it didn't work. It still appeared "first form" in the Rumble room.


Howdy Jim.  I've messed with this a lot myself, and I can't remember where I landed.  I seem to remember that, maybe changing/adding things in the .py files was useful, or perhaps I had to add a string entry.  I'm sorry I don't remember more!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Hey benton, is there a manual for this sort of thing that clears things up. I see you have managed to work it out with commands like Grow for Giant-man. Whee did you learn how to do it?


There's a manual here:

There's an entry for the Shapeshifter attribute ( at the end it explains how to do customisations. In short , if you open a shapeshifter character at the Control Centre you'll see that it has a Command section, you can type there the name that you want to use for that form. You can do the same for the temporary form.


Hm, i did that WB, i put CUSTOM_BEARFORM in the base hero file and it still apeared first form in-game. I did not change the name in the temporary form though, so it might be it.


Ok, now i have a different kind of problem. I figured out the names, i just needed to type the name in capitals without the custom in front. However, now that i have branded and added the character to dat whenever i select the bear form in game he just disappears and the session ends immediately. Why is that? Do i have to add some BEAR FORM desc in the strings? Notice that this didn't happen when the character was a custom one who wasn't added to the main dat. I could switch forms easily.

Edit: Ok, i found out how to change the desc of the names, all i needed to do was add a custom_name line in the strings with a description of the command. The crashing however remains. I created both the human and the bear characters for Ursa Major and gave his bear form the temporary form attribute. Ran them both on CC, made them ais and finally, added them to dat. The file worked perfectly when it was just a customc haracter and now that it's intergrated everytime i try to select his bear form in-game the session ends.