Looking for old Captain Wigster skin (El Diablo mesh)

Started by john_doe101274, June 02, 2014, 12:53:34 AM

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I am looking for what I believe to be an older skin make by Captain Wigster (I think) that was made for the El Diablo mesh. I have attached the only picture I could find that displays it. If you have it or a source any help would be appreciated.

(left image)

Cyber Burn

Welcome to the forums John. 2 things, first, any inquiries about Skins or Meshes should go in the "Requests" threads, and second, it's kind of hard to tell from the pic, but I believe I have that Skin. If you want to give me an E-Mail Address, I would be glad to send you the file I have.


Thank you and I apologize for the wrong thread location. Perhaps a mod could move it to the appropriate spot.

A PM was sent with my email address.

Cyber Burn


What you sent me was exactly what I was looking for, thanks again.