How can I put some pieces of a mesh in a skope and make it appear only when I wa

Started by heroidosilencio, February 28, 2016, 04:02:24 AM

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How can I put some pieces of a mesh in a skope and make it appear only when I want, for exemple, just like with Sinestro it only appears when I want?

Some meshes works like that, just like Human Torch tha shows its flame only when he flys. There are other meshes that shows its piece, like a sword or a a baseball bat only when you clik on melee or beam...

How can I make these partes of the meshes invisible all the time and been showned only when I want these actions to be showed??


This actually has more to do with editing the keyframes after you add the piece you want. Windblown had made a nice tutorial that Cyber Burn posted at his FF Resources Yahoo site:

It's in the Nifskope folder and is named NifSkope Tutorial by Windblown for FFvt3R #1.

Give it a try, feel free to post any follow up questions, and we'll try to help out.