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A few questions on creation

Started by SickAlice, May 16, 2022, 05:36:26 AM

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1. The tutorial link appears to down. Does anyone have a copy please and thanks.
2. I looked at the strings from a few voicepacks. Are there essentials, as in ones that must be added?
3. Likewise is there a limit, say for example # of attacks or any others?
4. Does the wave need to have a specific volume or anything like that?

Thanks for any help in advance, I have a bunch of sounds laid out on my hard drive but I'm not clear on how to organize them.


1. I don't know about the tutorial, when I started up again I used the docs in the main folder. The docs cover about everything.
2. The strings work with any you care to plug in.
3. I've been experimenting on this. Most seem to cap at 9, but I feel like select has used up  to 15. I'll keep you informed.
4. Voice is usually mp3, do you use wav? When I'm making them, I try to set them by ear, I'll listen to an established one and amplify as needed.

I would be willing to do them for you, if you want.



Ty for answers
1. I'm not seeing anything other than the Speech ID list in either Doc? I only have  :ffvstr: if that helps.
2. So if you for example (not planning to but for the sake of understanding the parameters) decided not to put any named Attack in it would still work? I bring it up knowing how fussy the game can be.
3. That seems fair regardless, I imagine one wouldn't add much more of anything then that.
4. I have wavs though could probably convert them. More I'm wondering about things like bitrate and so forth.

All I have are stock sounds at this point, nothing assigned (I've never done voices so I'm not familiar with what lines up to what in game). I made a thread earlier in this forum and think I caused some confusion that I would "make voicepacks", clearly I don't know how at this point yet, more that I would be willing to retrieve stock sounds and voices if requested. I'm fairly good at taking things apart, finding and converting files.

If you want to though that would be cool. You know what you're doing and are going to make it better than me anyways. Here's the wavs. They come from the game TMNT: Portal Power:


I work from  :ff:. The editor index html explained everything. It should work with even only 1 mp3. I will recommend putting in a couple blanks. I think that would keep it from constant repeat.


That's what I'm looking at (I think the second games docs weren't all that updated from the first?), not very comprehensive when it comes to voices. I recall a weblink that was but it seems to be a dead link now. At any rate if you do this I'll be pleased and likewise I can just study what you do against the raw files I started with to get a better understanding. You probably noticed that I uploaded the mesh that this goes with, I don't know if that was needed or not (unclear on how sounds match hero files/animations and such).


I just realized there was a download link! I'll fix those up tonight.


I changed them to mp3 and gave them an 8k sample rate. In the text file you can change the ###.mp3's, I'm not solid on them. I put some of them in funny places, like when he says something like "You need to run!" I put that in Panic.


Awesome and thank you. Also on the upside looking for an archived tutorial for someone here and I found a rar CB sent me back when (I think he wanted me to host this stuff?) filled with tutorials. All the voicepack ones are in there. Except that single requested one of course (Maps 101, I'm going to hook up my old hard drive and see if it's in there for them, it was a good tutorial). I'm still going to compare files here and study that, thanks for this. As before "if" I get the website uploading thing resolved I'm interested in hosting a ton of resources, I have a lot of sound too from various games if anyone wants them.


Quote from: bearded on May 18, 2022, 05:34:14 AM

I changed them to mp3 and gave them an 8k sample rate. In the text file you can change the ###.mp3's, I'm not solid on them. I put some of them in funny places, like when he says something like "You need to run!" I put that in Panic.

Oh, I've been ditzy all week so pardon me. Are you going to host it or should I? I fixed my uploading problem. You'll be credited of course, well along with the original creators and voice credits. I did pretty much nothing other than extract them. Else thanks again, this was everything I wanted to know that the docs don't really highlight. The order of course and the sampling rate was the big question I had. I wrote that down in my notes on my hard drive.


You've got a better host than I do, I just use Google Drive. And I don't even credit the things I make. Sometimes I find a mesh and forget I was the one who made it!


I tend not to credit myself either. I probably should when I make the 3d models, it is a lot of work but? I guess I figure the whole point is for anyone to find a use for it past myself. It's also fanart and not professional work of course. In this case though Eric Bauza did the voice acting and get's credited for it. And yeah, you got a point about file hosting, I'm never shy about trying to steer people from that and that we need a better collective host for the community. File hosts are just too unreliable. I mean look it the old illustrated tutorials here. Wait, we can't because we used Photobucket then. Yep.

Curious since you get this stuff and I never actually use voicepacks. I get the following error when trying to generate language files. There's nothing specified as far as what the issue is. All directories have security permissions checked all the way down, everything is installed according to the guide in the link below. Voice ID shows up and is assigned. I don't have an idea what's wrong here?
Quote"Error copying C:\GOG Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English\speech.txt to output directory."