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The Dark Knight

Started by Midnite, February 15, 2007, 08:45:44 PM

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The Hitman

Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on July 18, 2007, 06:31:19 AM
Well, Batman Begins managed to fit in 5 different Batman comic book villians, without much of a problem.

5? Let's see... Scarecrow, Ra's, Zsasz, Carmine Falcone... who's the fifth?


Ubu maybe?   played by watanabe.


Quotewho's the fifth?

Joe Chill


"Well, Batman Begins managed to fit in 5 different Batman comic book villians, without much of a problem."

Zsasz was a cameo with no lines, and Carmine had little screen time. And both are second-tier Batman characters. Essentially the two main villains were Ra's and Scarecrow.

The second Batman is (rumoured) to feature Two-Face, Riddler, Joker, Scarecrow and Talia Al Ghul ... to me, thats getting a little crowded, because they are all fairly well known characters. Although, I admit I'm intrigued by what they'll do with Talia and Riddler.


I knew about Joker, Scarecrow and Two-Face.

This is the first I heard about Talia and (squee!) Riddler.

More information, please!


I have heard nothing about Talia and Riddler, and they may very well only have cameo roles in this one, just as Zsasz and Joe Chill did.  Saying they will be in the film hardly means they'll be features.

Joker we know for sure, and the Two-face news comes from very reliable sources, with an interview from the actor who plays Dent.  Scarecrow would make sense, although I'd like to bet that he only makes a brief apparance.  Dent may become Two-Face at the end, which has been rumored for a while.  This would leave plenty of room for another featured villain.

Mr. Hamrick

From what I understand, Anthony Michael Hall is playing Edward Nygma.  I don't know if they will have him as The Riddler in the film or not.  It is a rather minor role either way.  The Scarecrow will make an appearance.  I've been given the impression that this will be one or two scenes to wrap up the fact that he escaped last movie.  One of the themes of this movie will apparently be the shift in the "old style of gangster" (Maroni, Falcone, Gamble) vs. the "new class of criminal" that Batman is more needed for like The Joker, Ridder, Scarecrow, etc. 
Sal Maroni will probably have the same size of role as Falcone had in the first film.  The same as the character Gamble (who is also a gangster).
As for the Two Face, there is a confirmed scene where Aaron Eckhardt will be in the make-up.  I suspect it will be foreshadowing events in the third film.
Talia?  I've not heard anything about. 
We know The Joker will be there.  I've also heard rumor that Harleen Quinzel will have a cameo at the very end.

As Cat who walks by himself said, saying those characters will be in the film is hardly indication that they will be prinicipal characters or featured characters. 


Quote from: Zapow on July 17, 2007, 08:36:39 PM
Last Friday when I left work there was a Gotham PD SWAT van parked next to my office building. Of course I had no camera. :doh:

I'm redeemed. The van was back today. I snagged a disposable camera and blew a roll on the van and two trucks that HAVE to be part of Joker's tools.

We'll see how they turn out.


Those are the trucks. I'll have my pictures later today.


Here's a few shots of the van and trucks.


"Slaughter is the best medicine". LOL!


Mr. Hamrick

Quote from: MJB on July 23, 2007, 09:48:02 AM
"Slaughter is the best medicine". LOL!


you mean its not the best medicine?

Glitch Girl

Nice bit of detail with the license plate. 

Man, this movie is looking better every day.


is Gotham a state now?

Mr. Hamrick

nice.  about what I was expecting.  a second teaser should be out soon too.  well, not that soon . . . around december I suspect.


New Dark Knight Viral Site?
Source: EmpireofDarkness, Nate Buchman
July 26, 2007

Fans have pointed us to WhySoSerious.com, which appears to be yet another viral site for The Dark Knight. Remember IBelieveinHarveyDent.com and IBelieveinHarveyDentToo.com? At the new site, the Joker seems to be recruiting people for his gang. But what's very interesting is that the page includes coordinates in San Diego and that the clock is counting down to approximately when the Warner Bros. panel takes place at Comic-Con. Hmmm...

I wonder what's going to happen on that day.



You guys on the site?
The 1st password is: Inside Joke
2nd: Jack the Ripper

There's a phone number in the sky its 1 800 395 9646, its creepy.





what the hell's the crap with the make-up, instead of it being his skin


Got a non-HD version?  Youtube took down that copy.


Those links are ALL HD.  None of them fit my monitor and are unwatchable, not to mention taking a while to download, even on DSL.


Sorry about that, I thought I had the youtube link there too.



That one works, for now.   They already pulled other copies, though, so I doubt it will be up for long.


A recap of today's viral event:

WB rolled out another crazy viral marketing push today.

The International Comic-Con began yesterday, and found on the convention floor were phony dollar bills (see here) with clown makeup scribbled over George Washington, and the message "Why So Serious?" Fanboys everywhere visited www.whysoserious.com to find a defaced "I want you!" poster (here), and a Joker-esque message encouraging people to apply for a "job." There was a clock ticking down to noon today, and a set of coordinates (which pointed to an area just outside the convention).

A later update revealed that fans who showed up there when the clock hit zero would work together with fans online to some end. When the time came, the hundreds of fans who showed up were all painted in Joker makeup, and moved from checkpoint to checkpoint getting clues to help solve the puzzles for those online. Finally, when all the checkpoints had been reached, one fan was selected (by what means I'm not sure; perhaps he wast the first there) and driven away in an SUV with Gotham City plates.

Online, with the last puzzle solved the teaser trailer (here) was revealed. Shortly afterwards, a mock police report appeared, featuring a photo of the selected fan, having been "killed" (here). The police report mentions him holding the note "See You In December," which as I mentioned in my earlier post has appeared elsewhere during this campaign. Prior to this, two other police reports also appeared on the site (here and here), as well as this picture of The Joker (Ledger), and Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal).

The puzzles have since been removed, and displayed on the website (http://www.whysoserious.com/) is the final page (which was originally displayed only once the puzzles were solved). You'll notice a little flashing pixel--if you click it, it brings you to the trailer page, which includes a hi-defionition download.

Oh, this is neat, too: the first puzzle involved dialing an 800 number which played a recording of some guy being "held hostage" by the Joker. I actually found it to be genuinely unsettling.


Quote from: Midnite on July 27, 2007, 10:34:06 AM

You guys on the site?
The 1st password is: Inside Joke
2nd: Jack the Ripper

There's a phone number in the sky its 1 800 395 9646, its creepy.

You aint lyin, brother. Creepy as heck. Sent delightful shivers racing down my spine.

BTW, the trailer is now avaliable on that site, if youtube pulls down the linked copy.

Its hidden, but not hard to find.



The trailers on the site are of various qualities, but are all meant for HG.  They don't fit my screen, plus they'll take a bit to download.  I imagine I am not by any means the only one.
