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Attribute/Power questions

Started by Dr.Volt, February 27, 2007, 07:58:57 AM

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I wasn't sure where to put the following post, and this category seemed the most appropriate.  I actually have a few general "attributes/powers" type questions that is sort of character related.  But to keep the theme of this category in tact, I'll try to keep them character related.

1.  "Brick" type characters such as Superman, Collossus, Captain Marvel etc.  First off, I have heard mention here of a power and/or attribute called "invulnerability".  I don't see this attribute/power listed in the umodified  :ff: (i.e. off the shelf).  Is this power from some modification program (such as the EZ series)?  The closest I can come currently is just to crank up passive defense as high as possible and provide for active defense with it.  But such doesn't seem sufficient as there is always some damage possible. 

2.  spider-man, I have been tweaking him, and I'm having some difficulty in accurately representing the ensnaring quality of his webbing (the classic spidey wrapping his foes in webbing).  The closest I could come was what I think is called "stasis"...which seems very short termed.  Would you all mind sharing this section of your hero files for spider-man?  Course, any advice here is valued.

3.  Iceman, (and other ice powered characters) a.  any advice on how to do the encasing in ice.  The game currently does it for Nuclear Winter and his minions.  But a very cursory look at the ice powers doesn't seem like it does this...more just ice blasts.  Am I missing something? b.  Is there any way to build Iceman's famous ice ramps (his chosen form of locomotion)?  I know the ice bridges/ramps may well be very difficult/impossible to do (e.g. it can't even be done in City of Heroes I'm told).  But it sure would be kewl if he could do it.


You really must get FFX. It's found here and addresses the concerns in both questions 1 and 2


I love it to bits!



Hmmmmm...I see.  Thank you.  But will it wipe out an/or nullify the effects of EZFX??


That link is actually to FFX3, which is for FFvsTR. For FF1 you'd want to go here: http://www.fundamentzero.com/

Either way, it does wipe out EZFX. FFX should be installed first, and EZFX afterwards. Or you can "rename fx.dat to oldfx.dat and rename ezfx.dat to fx.dat to get a merged fx databse for FFX and EZFX5.0. For later versions of EZFX, get the merged databases off Alex's Freedom Fortress."

You're going to have to merge your databases anyhow, though. Have you used FFedit, know how?

As fpr these attributes, when you get FFX, invulnerability has a number of levels. These levels negate different amount of damage points. For example, invuln 5 would mean that a character takes 5 less points of damage every time they are hit. If the damage was below five, then they take none.

Stasis has different lengths if you crank up the power... but... with FFX (at least the newest version) you could swap an attack for a crystal cage, skinned to represent webbing. That'd be a pretty neat idea. Plus there's the webpull and rope swinger and blah blah.

Encasing in ice would be Freeze. That places the enemy in a giant block of ice from which they cannot be hurt, but cannot do anything. With FFX this ice block does a small amount of cold damage. You can also have them produce ice patches and walls, via the ice control attribute. As for the ice ramps... Well you could use Ink's (I think) Ice Man mesh (its fly animation is him making a crazy ice board) and give him flyer or... limited flyer, I think it is. Which allows them to fly as long as they have energy.

Hope this helps some.


That explains alot.  Thanks so much!  But I'm not sure how to merge the files.  Is there a tutorial available to do so?


ah yes, for FF1 you'd have to use unkoman's link :)

Sry about any confusion



To merge .dat files:  (pay attention, you're gonna use this one a lot!)
**for FF1 (same process for FF2)
ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR .DATS BEFORE YOU MERGE!!!!!! (just use copy/paste; your back up will be callled "Copy of....")
1) Download and install FFedit at freedomfans.com tools here: http://www.freedomfans.com/modforce/
--you can also get the character tool and a few tutorials as well.
2) Open FFedit.  Select the "Options" tab.  If you install ffx, make sure the "Primary Data Path" points to the ffx folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force\ffx).  This is not essential for merging .dat files, but it's a good habit to get into.
3) Halfway down page is section called "DAT File Processing"; select the box called "Merge DATs".  The first window that opens will ask you to select a file to write to.  Make sure you are in the ffx directory and pick "fx.dat" (repeat for "powerts.dat", "sounds.dat", etc.  The second window will ask you to select a file to read from.  Navigate to your main "Data" directory and select "fx.dat".
4) Hit O.K. and wait.  Depending on your computer's speed, this could take a few minutes.  You'll think the program crashed, but it hasn't, it's just busy.  You get a window telling you the merge is complete.
5) Check your work.  If anything is screwed up, delete it, and restore your backups (rename without the "Copy of...")

Here's a minitutorial by Bujin that discusses how to avoid overwriting important data:

By Bujin Feb 18, 2003 in FRB Forums:
This mini-tutorial is for those who want the EZFX3 installed, but don't want to over-write custom FX not included in EZFX.  It assumes a passing knowledge of installing files and using FFEdit.  If you don't have either of those, you probably never installed custom FX; ignore this post.  code

Instructions for installing EZFX without overwriting custom FX (it's not as hard as it sounds  code ):

- Backup your fx.dat (C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom ForceDatafx.dat) just in case of emergency.

- Download EZFX3

- Install into a directory other than default (for example, change \"data\" to \"data2\" to create a new data folder).

- Copy/Paste files from \"C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom Forcedata2SoundsPowers\" to \"C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom ForcedataSoundsPowers\"

- Copy/Paste files from \"C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom Forcedata2Artlibraryfx\" to \"C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom ForcedataArtlibraryfx\"

- Open FFEdit; Go to \"Options\" tab

- Click \"Merge DATs\"

- At \"Select DAT file to write TO\", select default \"fx.dat\" (C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom ForceDatafx.dat).

- At \"Select DAT file to read FROM\", select new \"fx.dat\" (C:Program FilesIrrational GamesFreedom ForceData2fx.dat).

- Let FFEdit chug away - you will get a message saying:  \"data merged okay\" and you should have both the new FX and any customs that you put in.


have you considered putting that on the wiki Joemama?

It would be great to have




Good idea.  I'll put it up in the next few days.

I forgot to mention that you should follow Unko's advice first, then my instructions.  Remeber that, when merging, you're combining to lists.  If both lists have the same item with the same name, one's gotta go.  In other words: if it's the same, whatever your write from will overwrite anything you write to.  I don't know if there are any conflicts between ffx and ezfx, so make sure you back up your work before getting started.