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Started by BatWing, March 03, 2007, 10:15:24 AM

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i don't know if this thread belongs in here but

is there a program that will allow u to add more than 4 heroes?
or more than 24 villians?


Well.....yes and no.  As far as where this thread belongs...hmm, not really sure.  Perhaps in FF general?  Either way, if you haven't downloaded FFX, do so now.  Haha, that is the answer to most questions about increaseing functionality.  Are you using FF1 or 2?

FF1 version:  http://www.fundamentzero.com/
FF2 version:  http://freedomreborn.net/archive/index.php?topic=41258.0

It adds a zillion new attributes that allow you to do just about anything.  The genuises involved with this project, including Dr. Mike, M25, Empithee, Cat, and others have brought YEARS of extra life to this game through their efforts. 

One of the things this allows you to do, is to play games where you can team up with other heroes.  You have your four, and then some others are on your team as well.  As far as getting more than 24 villains...well...not exactly.  What you CAN do is use a new attribute called 'private army'.  This allows a villain (or hero) to be accompanied by body guards whenever their in a mission.  So, if you have 24 villains with private army, you'll have four or five times the max number.  Warning:  doing this can cause some major system slowdown.

Anyroad, go to Fundament Zero and check it out.


holy ****
private army eh??!!!

anyways i'm using ff2 and when u install the ffx 3.0 where do i put it in?
is it irrational, freedom force, eh


Well Flamehead, it comes with a self installer, so all you need to do is double click on it and follow the instructions.  It will set itself up in its own mod folder.



Ehh......well, you'll see.  In short, it will install itself in such a way that it does not have to overwrite anything.


so when u install it all uhave to do is add attributes to a char and then run  :ffvstr:?


Well, for most of the attributes.  Some of them can be customized.  For example, private army.  Say you want to have the Penguin accompanied by some thugs.  Well, the default minion for private army is cops, so there is a program included that allows you to customize things like that.  It's all in the manual that is included with it.


so thats how u install ffx right?
some u custonmize some u don't
so all u do is click on ffx 3.0 icon and add attributes and then run  :ffvstr:? :huh:


In order to run FFX2 or FF3, you will have to use the special FFX shortcut.  FFX 3.2 has it's own little icon and should put a copy on the desktop.  If it doesn't, it will be in the main game directory.

Use that shortcut and add the new attributes as normal.  They all do something by default.

Using the FFXEdit program, however, (not to be confused with FFEdit) you can further customize what many of the new attributes do, as well as assigning new attack types in place of old ones.

Anyway, it's all in the manual.  Feel free to ask more questions as you have them.

Quoteso all u do is click on ffx 3.0 icon and add attributes and then run  ffvstr? huh

No, you need to run the game through the FFX shortcut only.  The campaign and everything is still there.


Pretty much, it's fairly straight forward.  It includes its own icon though, and you'll have to use it to run FFX3....




thx guys u'v ben a pretty good help to me and now off to get ffx 3.0 :thumbup:


LOL, Cat, you sneaky devil!  Ha, no problem Flamehead, that's what this community is all about!


Quotethx guys u'v ben a pretty good help to me and now off to get ffx 3.0

You mean 3.2, I hope, since that's the link you've been given.  In any case, I hope you like it.


the one in liberty bay :)

i get it once the batman is over


There definatly is a way to get more than 25 villains, it requires changing a line in the skirmish PY. files, I bumped my amount of villains up to 150.  I cant think of it off the top of my head, but if the older post ever get restored here, id be able to find it.


does it lag when u put 150 villians?


depends on your machine. But I think it's best to have 150 villains in waves in order to reduce the stress on your comp.


i see now lunerman
if i know how to increase the villian i shall put 50! :thumbup:


You can use one of the new features of FFX3, EZScript to create a RR mission in which you'll face wave after wave of villain, it might be just as fun, and more economical with system resources.


My machine does lag with alot of characters on the screen at the same time, i like to pick a danger room where the villains come in waves like Lunarman said, I like to choose alot of villains so I never know who is gonna be in the next wave.


how do u use shapeshifting?
i gave a mesh with shapeshifting attribute then went on ffedit and there are forms but they're all empty


Well Flamehead, you have to open up FFEdit and create whatever alternate form you want using the character, powers, and template tab.  The character's name has got to match the template name exactly.  Then you give the character you've created the 'tempform' attribute, and you can open FFXEdit, choose your shapeshifting character, and in his customization menues you will be able to choose the new form that you have just created.


i alrdy got it out
i just gave temporary forms to others and yeah :thumbup:

what the attribue's name where u can chuck ur teammate at enemies?


"Fastball", lots 'o fun.


hehehehe now i can chuck police at em