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anyone NifSkoping FF1 objects?

Started by Renegade, March 04, 2007, 04:27:05 PM

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Hey all, I'm trying to update my FF1 maps to FFvTTR map conversion doc and was wondering if people have started nifscoping FF1 objects yet? I don't know much about NifScoping but I believe that only a couple of simple guidelines to make converted objects with NifScope would be needed and I'd like to update the doc with them.

So, has anybody tried it yet?


Nifskoping as in what way. I've added bounding boxes to ff1 objects in order to use them in FFVTTR, but isn't that what you do in your map conversion tut anyway?


Quote from: Lunarman on March 05, 2007, 12:33:39 AM
Nifskoping as in what way. I've added bounding boxes to ff1 objects in order to use them in FFVTTR, but isn't that what you do in your map conversion tut anyway?

Yes, but I am assuming it's easier through NifSkoping so I was curious if it's being done anywhere.


Yes, I've done a few of these, and it is pretty trivial to do with NifSkope. (convert Nif to; find suitable bounding box, paste into Nif, resize bounding box.)

I'll try to dig out my notes and post them here.

Watch this space.


Once upon a time, Symon and I were working on a way to go beyond simple mesh-part swapping with NIFSkope toward the creation of original content for FF and FFvTTR without 3ds max.  We've since been stymied by RL, but my hope is that we can release the tutorial very soon.

For now, let me say that I have exported blank NIFs using 3ds max that have alpha channels and effects enabled with a "delete_me" primitive that the NIFSkope user can quickly and easily delete and replace with original static geometries (or, if you like, static geometries made by other meshers who have permitted people to use their works in NIFSkope) imported as Wavefront OBJs (check under "Spells => .OBJ => Import Multi" in the Menu Bar).

I'll try to make it a priority to finish the tutorial, sooner rather than later, and release the links to the blank NIFs, which are of different sizes, e.g., male_basic-size, automobile-size, etc.  Stay tuned.

Phantom Bunburyist and You Know the Rest


Nifskope imports .obj files???  :wub:


Aye, it does, my child. *nods sagely*

Phantom Bunburyist and You Know the Rest


Quote from: Revenant on March 05, 2007, 01:31:17 PM
Nifskope imports .obj files???  :wub:

Indeed. How else do you import geometry from Lightwave into Freedom Force? (grin).

It also exports .OBJ as well, just as useful.


You know what would be great?  An objects pack of converted FF1 objects.  Those who already have several converted could contribute.


It EXPORTS obj. ?!?  Great Jumpin' Hera.  Maybe I can do some cool renderings in Bryce (yeah I still use it..)