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NifSkope Rotation headache

Started by Revenant, March 06, 2007, 09:10:52 AM

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Does anybody have any advice on making rotation of mesh pieces simpler?  It is a constant source of aggrivation for me... I'll get a piece almost right, then click the Euler button and it vanishes, I find it miles away in a totally wacky configuration and have to start again worse than before...

I only have one trick up my sleeve for this, but it's not consistent.  Sometimes using the NiNode first and the editable mesh second helps, as if they are obeying different axes altogether.  I will try to rotate the NiNode of a piece, and it just won't rotate around the y-axis at all, but if i try rotating the editable mesh instead, i can get that type of rotation.

But usually, I just get a lot of agita from this.

:wacko: :angry: :banghead:

EDIT: and what the heck are Pitch, Yaw, and that other one?  *drifts over to wikipedia*



I've had similar problems, especially when resizing items and placing them on terrains.  My solution is similar to yours, except I "0" out the editable mesh and only manipulate the NiNode.  My theory is that the coordinates on the editable mesh use the NiNode as it's zero point.  For example:
QuoteNiNode is x=230, y=150, z=0
Editable mesh is set at x=50, y=-80, z=10
The object's true location will be x=280 (230+50), y=70 (150+[-80]), z=10 (0+10);

where "true" center is x=0, y=0, z=0

If NiNode is set to x=0, y=0, z=0, then the editable mesh will adjust from the "true" center point.  Conversely, if you point the editable mesh at x=0, y=0, z=0, it will move precisely with your NiNode coordinates.  Does that make sense?  I don't know if my theory is accurate, but it seems to work out for me.

Pitch, Yaw, and Rotate (?) will control the specific rotation, once the editable mesh is in place.  In other words, x,y,z represent a point in 3 dimensional space.  Pitch, Yaw, Rotate control your motion within (or at) that point.  If you've ever played a flight simulator: Pitch points your nose up and down; Yaw points your nose (drifts your plane) left or right; and, Rotate is the "barrel roll" control (i.e. joystick left/right).

Hope that makes sense.



Thanks JM, this helped a lot.  I'm starting to get the hang of it  :thumbup: