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EZScript campaign folder

Started by DEATH, March 30, 2007, 07:06:11 PM

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     I recently started trying to make an EZScript campaign (thank you M25!), and one of the first things the instructions say to do is copy the <modname>/missions/ezscriptcampaign directory and rename it to the name of your first mission.  I do not see a folder called ezscriptcampaign in my missions directory, either of my mod or the original install folder of ffx 3.2   The folder instead contains what appear to be all the mission folders of the original FFvT3R campaign.  Is there something obvious I'm missing?



It should be in the next release of FFX 3.2,  but in the meantime, you can get it here:



     Okay, I can at least get it to start up now.  However, it simply starts me into a mission with the initial charcter on the map.  I have a cutscene present, but it doesn't run.

     My Script log reads as follows:

[spoiler]>>> system/init.py executed
>>> system/localinit.py executed
>>> system\tredir.py executed
Loading m25minimod.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
loading datfiles version 0.251000
loading cshelper ...
Starting ffx.py v. 3.2.0 build 10; branch = Public Beta 2
Loading m25ai.py v. 3.2.0 build 8; branch = m25 branch 1
Loading m25event.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
importing missionobjvar.py v1.18
importing MLOG Reader 1.0 alpha 17
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
Loading m25report.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25timestamp.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25getset.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25string.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25distance.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25template.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25missionover.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25energy.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25generateai.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25aigeneratedata.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25team.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25custompowers.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25cutscene.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25gametype.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25freeroamdata.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25customheads.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1175387898.359000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.3
Starting General Utilities 1.0
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting skXMapInfo.py  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Loading m25aiopt.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25aiconstants.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <jm_dream_fog> has more than one entry for attribute <animated>, values 1.000000 and 1.000000
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <jm_building_crane> has more than one entry for attribute <standon>, values 1.000000 and 1.000000
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading freeroam_keepbuildingdamage.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FREEROAM_KBD: initialized
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
Loading     m25enc_simplechoice.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
Loading m25enc.py v.3.2.0 build 8; branch = m25 branch 1
Loading m25name.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25randomenc.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25objective.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25freeroamally.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25spawn.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
ffx3\sk.py importing FFX
ffx3\missions\scripts\sk.py loaded
Loading m25story.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25pstory.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
Loading m25skirmish.py v.3.2.0 build 6; branch = m25 branch 2
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\rob\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\mission.py executed
MISSION: EZScript MiniMod/Campaign Precache.
PSTORY: {'name': 'The Summons', 'encounters': [{'marker': 'encounter 1', 'type': 'Cutscene', 'timeofday': 'none', 'required_map': [], 'trigger': [], 'next': [], 'objectives': [], 'parameters': [], 'name': 'A Mysterious Visitor', 'cutscenes': [{'replace': [], 'name': 'Start', 'required': ['hawkeye'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', "CS_Animate('hawkeye','idle')", "CS_Camera('hawkeye', dist=-100.0, yaw=0.0)", 'CS_UnFade(2)', 'CS_Speak(\'hawkeye\', "Hm...that isn\'t like the Vision to leave things lying around...", force=0)', 'CS_Fade(2)', 'CS_End()']}], 'pre': []}], 'start': []}
PSTORY: {'The Summons': {'encounters': {'A Mysterious Visitor': {'timeofday': 'none', 'next': ['__end__'], 'trigger': ['start'], 'action': ['DoEncCutscene(cutscenes = [[\'startcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'hawkeye\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', "CS_Animate(\'hawkeye\',\'idle\')", "CS_Camera(\'hawkeye\', dist=-100.0, yaw=0.0)", \'CS_UnFade(2)\', \'CS_Speak(\\\'hawkeye\\\', "Hm...that isn\\\'t like the Vision to leave things lying around...", force=0)\', \'CS_Fade(2)\', \'CS_End()\']]]], marker = \'encounter 1\')'], 'required_map': []}, '__win__': {'action': ['ff.Story_WinMission()']}, '__end__': {'action': ["ff.Story_SetStoryEnded('The Summons')"]}, '__lose__': {'action': ['ff.Story_LoseMission()']}}}}
TIME: 0.004970 for GetMissionVar
MISSION: On Post Init... start.
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = '00_ALPHA'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
storing hawkeye1: id_1,30
! GetMapInfo
MISSION: On Post Init... complete; starting story.
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 1
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for hawkeye1 ('hawkeye')
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
FFX_UpdateSun: getting default sun
FFX_UpdateSun: setting = (-45.0, 45.0, 1.0, 0.800000011921, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
AI: AISetRunning hawkeye1 to 0
initAttribsForChar: working on hawkeye1 (hawkeye)
initAttribsForChar (hawkeye): looking at attribute crack shot
initAttribsForChar (hawkeye): looking at attribute hot tempered
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 2
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']
Plugin 'firehydrant' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'zombie' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' has no OnPostInit()
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 3
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 4
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 5
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 6
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 7
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter 1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['encounter 1']

     Now, I can see that it can't find the encounter marker, but the marker is present on the map.



I think you're using my map (oilrigs).  I tested it using the 'on patrol' minimod without problems, but it is entirely possible that I made an error.

I'll double check my file.  In the meantime, did you set your cutscene to run on marker 'encounter 1'?  If that's the case, you'll need to make sure you call 'ENCOUNTER1' (sorry bout the caps).  Make sure there is no space between 'encounter' and '1'.  I don't know if that's how the log prints it, but that would cause your cutscene not to run.

Hope this helps

PS--Please post your solution to this problem.  If it's a map issue, I'll want to make the correction


As joemama wrote, it appears you have a
Marker: encounter 1
line in your story and there is no marker called 'encounter 1'

If it doesn't matter where the encounter should be on the map, don't specify the marker.  That way you get built-in randomization and more replayability.

If you want it to be at a specific place on the map, the best way is to add a marker to the map, such as 'starthere1' (notice the 1 after the name) and then use the line
Marker: starthere   
(notice that there is no '1' after the marker name in the EZ script story)

EZ script adds numbers after the marker name you give.  So if you say Marker: encounter, it will look for 'encounter1', 'encounter2', etc. for as many markers as it can find, and then randomly pick one.  If you say 'encounter 1' it will look for a marker called 'encounter 11' which probably doesn't exist.

Yes, I realize as I type this that it's more complicated than it needs to be.  Barring disaster, I'll be releasing a patch this coming week and I'll make it so that the name of the marker on the map can be the same as the name of the marker given in EZ script.


M25, that's it!  That's the reason my Batman missions weren't working.  I'm glad I peaked in here.