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how do you mod?

Started by pizza99, December 14, 2007, 04:27:21 PM

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Is their a site or even some sort of dummies guide on how to mod for  :ffvstr:. Thanks to all who help me out.



Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


Actually, there are also some (relatively) easy ways to mod now, what with M25's EZScript.  You still might need some of the stuff at the link provided by The Prat in the Hat, but EZScript makes it (relatively) easy to actually make things happen (like some sort of coherent story).  EZScript can be found included with FFX 3.2, which you would probably want anyway, as it greatly expands the customizations you can make to your heroes.  It includes a manual with some detailed instructions on how to make everything from a one-off adventure with EZScript, to a full-blown mod/campaign.

FFX 3.2 can be found here: http://ffx.freedomforceforever.com/



Just to add on, what tiobe linked you to is just a PART of modding. His link is basically how to use ffedit and set up a map in FF1 (which also works in ffvttr). As Death has explained, FFX 3.2 comes with ezscript by m25 which is the easiest way for people unfamiliar with python to make custom story content. Last but not least, several members of the FF community have made some sort of python documentation/tutorial including myself and I believe Wickerman which can be found in various places (The FR wiki pops into mind and Tiobe's site). Also, if you really search, you'll find a bunch of FF python tutorials on how to set up muggings and other basic scenarios.


Also, it never hurts to just look at existing Mods.
See whats included, and what isnt.
Compare the files with other Mods files to see how stuff is accomplished.
Copy an existing Mod, and start to experiment in making small changes to see how stuff works.
But all the other stuff people have suggested too, and probably first.


I got the EZScript now and I'll be playing around with that. Thanks for the help.