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Which are your favs??

Started by Dr.Volt, May 08, 2007, 11:58:42 AM

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I used to collect comics many, many years ago.  It's amazing to me how costly they are these days!!!  But b/c of my experience here I'm thinking I might like to collect maybe one of two series.  But I'd like to know which series you all highly recommend?  Which do you find indispensable?  I've heard really good things about Invincible.  Do you agree??  What do you like??  Share your mind!!


Invincible rocks, tho I get it in TPB format.
the top few comics i'm currently enjoying are:

Nova (aftermath of annihilation)
Sensational spider-man (I get all 3 "616" spidey comics, this is my fave tho)
Justice League (never collected it before this series, but I like it so far :) )
chronicles of wormwood (-NOT- suitable for young readers)


I don't really buy single issues these days so I'll be suggesting collected editions of the books that I read:

I recommend Garth Ennis' work on The Punisher (The Mature Readers MAX imprint version). I've only ever read the trade paperbacks (which come out regularly... about one every 6 or 7 months, I think) so I don't know how well they read in a monthly format.

Also, try and snatch up the collections for The Ultimates (I've got vol.1 and 2 of the first series and vol.1 of the second series in trade paperback, with the final collection of the current creative team's work due out later this year)... the art is excellent, and even though Millar's writing is a little hit-and-miss for me, this is definitely some of his better work.

If you're into a more "classic" treatment of superheroes, try picking up the Marvel Adventures digests... there are collections for Marvel Adventures: Spider-man, Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four, and Marvel Adventures: The Avengers. I don't read them regularly but my 8-year old cousin loves them, and even though it's pretty obvious that these stories are first and foremost written with an all-ages appeal, it doesn't mean that they're strictly for kids either. These contain some of the best Spider-Man, FF and Avengers stories Marvel has published in the last year or so... they really remind me of the fun comics I read as a kid. The only problem I have with these is the size... these things are pretty small (think Archie Comics digests) but if you don't mind occasionally squinting at the art, they're some of the best comics around.

Outside of Marvel, You might want to try Blade of the Immortal from Dark Horse Comics... it's a samurai-themed manga featuring the stellar pencil-work of Hiroaki Samura


I love Invincible, one of my top favs.

Other regular reads of mine
New X-Men
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8


I'm thinking I'm going to start with Invincible and go from there.  Thanks guys!


I've heard great things about invincible but havent had a chance to pour through it, just flip.

I agree that Punisher Max is a great series, where everyone is a badguy yet everyone feels different.

More "adult" stuff includes American Virgin and Exterminators, I have not yet read a bat issue of either series.

Astonishing X-Men is fun and respectful of the characters, so for somebody who "used to" read comics it should be good.

Exiles has gone downhill a little but the first 70 or so issues combined the best elents of "what if" with obscure but fun heroes.


Invincible is one of my favorites at the moment. I've heard a lot of people who collect multiple series have a hard time following it though since Kirkman tends to have multiple storylines going at once (hasn't been a problem for me). The only other series I make a point of getting are The Walking Dead (also by Kirkman) and Astro City.  Astro City doesn't have very consistent release dates, so it sort of helps to offset the price (and the Alex Ross covers are simply amazing).