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The Results of my Fiddling....

Started by BentonGrey, May 24, 2007, 09:45:41 PM

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I've discovered that something I've changed is causing me some grief....but what, or how...no clue.  So, I've done Ren's map port from FF1, followed his directions to the letter, but now when I go to edit a map and I look to add an FF2 object, almost nothing shows up.  All the files are still there under area_specific, but when I'm using the editor, I can go under area_speciff1 and find tons, but under the standard directory, no specific things show up.  For example, I can put in 'boulders,' 'trees,' or 'buildings,' but each of these has only one or two objects under it, and there are no 'city,' 'cuba,' or Germany headings.  What's going on?

:EDIT: On an unrelated note, I'm trying to put together a map for EZScript, but I can't get it to show up as available in the Dangeroom.  I can see any differences between it and the other EZScript maps.  I've got all of the necessary encounter markers...so I'm stumped.  I wonder if anyone would mind me sending it to them so they could take a look at it?


This is a stab in the dark but, have you changed the primary or seconday data path under the options tab?


Yep, I'm in FFX and my primary data path points there.  Secondary still points to Data, though.


 Have you checked in the Templates tab to see that you have merged the Dats correctly? Because thats my bet.


Well, I recently re-merged with the new FFX, so it should all be there, but what should I look for?  I did some spot checking, and it seems that the objects still have template entries, so I don't think it's that.


I'm acutally betting that it is.

But objects.dat somewhere safe and throw in the version from FFX and see if that fixes it.  If it does, it is indeed the merge. If it isn't, it's probably not.


An EZ script map needs at minimum two markers:  one called skirmishspawn and the other called encounter1

If you have both of those and it still doesn't work, send it to me.


Thanks Cat, I'll try that...I hope that's not the case, I really don't want the headache of a bad merge!

Thanks M, I do indeed have both of those, I'll double check and if I'm not crazy I'll send it your way.


Okay, so, I've switched out the object .dat, but I'm afraid that it's not the problem.  I still get the same two things under area_specific: JM_Objects (or something like that) and Water.  None of the actual speciffic areas.

:EDIT: Okay, so I figured out the map thing...and it turns out...you guessed it, I'm a moron!  Haha, it was just under a different name...my goodness. :P  Anyroad, I still can't figure out the map editing thing, any help there will deffinetly be appreciated!


Alright guys, please don't kill me for the triple post, but I'm dying here.  I've gone so far as to replace the objects .dat with the vanilla version, with no change.  The editor can only see the two folder titled JM_Objects and Water under the Area_Specific directory, but everything else is still there.  I removed those folders, and it didn't even show ANYTHING under AS. 

I'm afraid I haven't a clue what to do....this makes no sense to me.


Im a bit baffled myself.
When I run into issues like this, I need to take a step back and start eliminating things one by one form the beginning.

Maybe try as a test, creating a new MOD directory from scratch, not using FFX, or converted FF1 content etc..
Just a straight vanilla MOD as Irrational intended using the dat files from the data directory.

Set the editor's primary data source to be this new blank "test" mod.

Now see if the editor allows you to create a new map and place standard FFvTR content that you have been having the problems with.

If that works, I would then try a second new MOD directory, only using a Clean FFX install (no changes or merged anything). Do the same thing and see if the problem is resolved there. If that works also, then it almost certainly is something to do with the merged dats or other changes you made to your initial Directory.


Well, I've replaced all of the guts of the game with .dats fresh off the cd, no luck at all.  The only thing that's different is the presence of area_speciff1, but that shouldn't cause this kind of problem....should it?  Still, there were no object references to it, it was all fresh, but still the same problem.  I suppose now I'll try removing that as well....



Yep, that's the issue.  When I had this folder set up in dats, it messed up every mod.  That's why my earlier LB maps looked one way in my game and one way in another.  I could also not use many of the FFvTTR models at all.  They just didn't show up.

I completely missed earlier when you mentioned this folder, or I could have cried fowl right there.

Delete that folder and restore you .dats and all should be well.


Hmm...that's really bizarre.  We should let Ren know this, in case he doesn't know about this complication to his FF1 map transfering process.  Thanks Cat, I'll try and delete it and see what happens.  Do you think I can move those FF1 objects into my area_specific folder without screwing anything up?


They won't work anymore.  Other than that, I can't say.


I think I can help!  :D (finally!)

On map conversions:

1) Always merge your FF2 .dat onto your FF1 .dat.  Follow Ren's tip....it works.

2) Some templates (like 'effect_all') are just plain screwed up.  You have to correct them manually.  There's a lot, and I can't remember them all (most of the trees, too, if memory serves), but I know it took a combination of new template files (template.txt) and .dat changes to clean 'em up....it was a pain.

3) I've had no problem with the area_speciff1 folder itself....can't comment on that one.

4) You're best bet with FF1 objects is to create your own directory for them in area_specific and redirect their .dats (add template.txt if you want them to show up in the in-game editor)

Your problem sounds like missing or incorrect template.txt files.  That would explain why objects are not showing up on the in-game editor.  As far as what happend to your other directories...???????

Are you seeing the usual entries when you press "c" to add objects?  I.E. "add a character", "add a positional marker", "<dir> area_specific", "<dir> area_speciff1"?  Can you navigate the two "area_spec..." folders?

Is it just the FF2 objects?  It sounds like you're getting the custom objects (i.e. "water", and "jm_objects").  How about FF1 objects?


Thanks Boalt, I think I can actually wrap my head around this.  First off, where can I find that template.txt file?  Secondly, let me answer your questions:  Yes, I can access the custom objects, the FF1 objects, and all of the other things like characters, markers, etc.

Thanks again man, I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel here.

:EDIT: Okay, I see now, each entry under Area_Speciff1 and the custom objects have template.txt files indicating their template entries, HOWEVER, the area_specific ones don't.  I don't understand what could have happened to them.

:EDIT2: Alrighty, by cracking open the actual CD and taking a look at an untampered-with art.ff, it seems that the vanilla area_specific files don't come with template.txts....is this a case similar to the whole dds vs. tga thing?  Where the game is content to use tga's as long as there are no dds present, but when they show up it makes everything go wonky?  I guess I'm going to try removing all of the ff1 files along with the custom objects, and see if that changes anything.

:EDIT3: Oooookay....no go, apparently my FF2 art files need template.txts...I'm going to try a reinstall...maybe that will do it.


look in templates.ff

Something's still amiss, though, because, as long as your secondary data path points to your Data directory, your template.ff should load the templates for use in the editor....

If the templates.ff file doesn't solve your problem, then I'm really stumped!
(and I thought I had it too!)


Alright, I think we just found the root of the problem...I've got no template.ff.  I can't find one on the CD either, which is odd, but I'm going to do the reinstall and see if that helps.

:EDIT:  Nope, even with the reinstall, there is no template.ff.  Do you think you could just email me yours?

:EDIT2: Well......I've somehow managed to break FFX3....great...I'm trying to figure out where the problem is now.

:EDIT3: So weird...today is just not my day to figure things out.  It seems to be working now, no idea what caused it, I'm replacing things one at a time, but still haven't hit anything that makes it screw up.