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FFX problem??

Started by Panther_Gunn, June 02, 2007, 09:49:23 PM

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So, I'm going through the campaign once again (mostly to open up the missions for the Danger Room.....since I can't remember what code to put where to do it after a reload).  Everything's fine, even the Frozen state didn't need to be fixed for the Manbot mission.  However, what I am running across is a problem on Mr. Mechanical's factory level.

The problem I've got is that once I get in the room with the switch (just past the one with all of the robot storage boxes) to open the other big door (so I can actually continue the mission), when I use the switch, the dialog box tells me that the switch is broken!  I've restarted the mission, and even made sure that nothing in that room took any damage, but still no difference.  I got to wondering if there was some way that the FFX Base of Evil map could be causing this. (I have my doubts, as I don't think it's a global command, it should only effect that one map for the Danger Room)

Does anyone have any ideas on this one?  I don't recall hearing about it ever coming up, but I don't read this section much at all anymore (time & all that).


I've played through FF recently with FFX turned on, I don't remember having a problem there though. I don't think there's any way that FFX could affect it, although I don't know.


Well, I still don't know what is causing the "Switch is broken" problem, but at least I was able to work around it.  I just located the section that dealt with that door being locked or not & opening in the mission.py, and entered each line manually in the console while the game was running.  Not elegant, but it worked......except the yellow arrow wouldn't go away.  Thought I had that bit as well, but must not have been the right one.

So, all in all, yay for me for figuring it out (since I haven't done anything even remotely like it before).   :thumbup:   :lol: