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My random art-type stuff

Started by Revenant, June 20, 2007, 09:57:01 PM

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These are desktop-sized images I made from CTool.. I posted some of them on the DC Comics forums in the hopes of generating interest in Freedom Reborn, to a resounding lack of interest!  So I post them here. 

The Hitman

Oh man, these are dad- gum amazing! Great work!!!


Rev!!! Dude!!! These are AWESOME!!!!!!  :thumbup: Excellent!


Oh boy I likes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:
Hey do some Marvel ones and post to a Marvel board and see what happens! ;)


I could do an Ultimates one.. Detourne_Me did one featuring my skins, it's in the Screenshots thread!

As soon as I get Ultimate_Evil's spider-man Skin I can do one of Spidey...


Yo, these are awesome. I feel so out-of-synch when I look at these pics in the artist alley, I gotta start brushing up on my drawings....Great work!


Hey, a random Zuludelta skin sighting (that's the tiger skin, in case anyone's wondering)! Haven't seen that in a while  :lol:

Seriously though, nice pics Rev, you should do one with the great Timmverse skins you've been working on.