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patriot city and ffxedit

Started by wickerman, May 24, 2007, 04:05:12 PM

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hey all...

I was digging into patriot city and created a character i wanted to use a mental damage swap with...

the problem is, when I open ffxedit and select patcity int he drop down menu, it immediately flashed a 'ffxedit has generated errors' message...  can anyone think of a cause?


FFEdit can't switch between mods with differing FFX versions.  It's essentially broken at the moment.

You get it to work, rename whatever mod you're working on to be whatever mod it opens by default.


Hugh Jazz

Quote from: wickerman on May 24, 2007, 04:05:12 PM
when I open ffxedit and select patcity int he drop down menu, it immediately flashed a 'ffxedit has generated errors' message...  can anyone think of a cause?

I'm having the same problem, altought without the popup message, but I don't quite understand. This problem is because I'm using ffx3.2 and pat city uses an earlier version? How do I rename patcity to make it the default "ffx3"?


1.  Right click on the folder

2.  Click "rename" . . .


just rename it anything that comes alphabetically before your first mod in the list.  Usually renaming it 'apatcity' works just fine.  Just change it back when you are done editing it.

Keep in mind you are only renaming the mod folder itself - nothing else needs to be changed.

Hugh Jazz

Did it and all went well, thanks guys. :thumbup:


Does anyone know why mines works and no one elses does?

I used to have the crashing problem and then one day it went away. Now I can open my DOD/Pat City mod no problem through the FFX control centre.


I think the crash only occurs when FFXEdit is open and you switch between mods with different versions of FFX. So, if you updated the mods you are opening to FFX 3.2 (or if they are still all an older version), then the problem should go away. Is it possible that's what you've done?

(It also may be possible that the mods you are opening don't have the customization data for characters with attributes that have changed in between versions of FFX. That seems less likely to me because the ffxattribs.py file probably needs to be the same, but it's possible.)


Well I'm still using FFX 3.0 all over the board. I intend to upgrade buthave never got round to it...