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Trends you enjoy and hate in comics part 2

Started by lugaru, July 15, 2007, 08:43:19 AM

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I think its time again to lay down our opinions on the stuff going on in the comic book world. Let's see:


- Mundane stories: realism in comics is overated but I love the fact that many recent stories have centered around a more seinfeld approach instead of always being about alien invasions and nuclear warheads. I hope to see more stories where heroes and villains encounter drama, romance or comedy outside of their costume.

- More non heroic adult stories: I cannot say how thrilled I am by Scalped, American Virgin, exterminators, Soldiers @ Love, DMZ, The other side and other Vertigo tales set in the "real world".

- Marvel Adventures: the perfect comic for kids and people who yearn for more heroic fare, also their sales are doing a lot to save the comics industry.

- Villain spotlight: Both marvel and DC are telling more stories about their villains, be it Sinestro Corps or the upcoming marvel villain team up. I say that rocks, especially since Thunderbolts is a villain book again.


- Garth Ennis selective exploding heads: Another realism issue felled by hero worship. In most "gritty" books if a badguy is punched by a relatively strong character his head explodes into a shower of brains and teeth. Heroes on the other hand can be nuked with no real effect beyond a bloody nose.

- Delays: UGH. AGH. YAAARGH!