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i got me a question here dudes!

Started by XLR8er, July 20, 2007, 01:59:17 PM

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how do u add a song in a middle of the game? in rumble room
i found a kh battle song that goes with it lol


Add this to the rumble room .py file
in the post init definition I'd say.

Then go to the resource tab in FFEdit and add the music track (It must be .mp3). Check the name used in the resource file is also music_NAMEOFRESOURCE (with the NAMEOFRESOURCE bit changed to something of your own obviously) and it should work.

ps. I forgot to say that the mp3 has got to be in C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\FFVTTR\Data\sounds\musak or an equivalent mod folder.

This will make music play from the beginning of a rumble room match. You can probably set it so it plays one every wave or something similar, too.
