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runtime error

Started by deadsypsp, February 08, 2007, 06:27:38 PM

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hey, just finally found freedom force vs third reich and no i wont work. whenever i try to run it, it says "Mircosoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" and "Runtime Error. Abnormal Program Termination". anyone know wat the problem is?


I have seen this before but normally it goes away if I try to run it again. I'm sry

Have you tried a restart? It sometimes helps


yup, tried re-installing too. still nothin. thanx for the suggestion though


Did the game ever work or is it your first try? What exact OS are you using?

Have you installed something recently? Just a guess, but maybe a Windows DLL has been changed.

Otherwise, try running the game with the -log parameter in the shortcut (which is the default setting for FFX and compatible mods): create a shortcut, right-click, properties and change Target from
"C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe" -log

Next time you try to start the game, an ff.log and a script.log files should be created under C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\. Post the content of both files.


never worked, i installed it like a week ago but never got to play it til the other day. im running on windows XP service pack 2.

Only thing really was the Half-Life 2 holiday pack. na no ff.log or script.log files were created :(


Quotena no ff.log or script.log files were created

Of course they weren't.  By default, they aren't.  You have to set it in the shortcut.


After looking at http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B823677&x=9&y=11 :
Try changing your screen resolution to 1024 x 768 and color depth to 32 bits.

The issue might be related to your graphic card. Which one do you have? Download and install the latest drive for your card.

Good luck! :)


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 09, 2007, 06:01:50 PM
Quotena no ff.log or script.log files were created

Of course they weren't.  By default, they aren't.  You have to set it in the shortcut.

i did, on the shortcut under target it says "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe" -log but still no ff.log or script.log

tried changing the recolution and the color at 32 bits and still same thing.

my graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS. went to the NVIDIA site and didnt see any downloads for it. do u think i might just b beat for playin the game?


Quotei did, on the shortcut under target it says "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe" -log but still no ff.log or script.log

Then the game probably crashed before anything got started.  So, no logs.

Hope you get them figured out.


It's pretty rare that no logs are created, since those are initialized so quickly. But it's certainly possible that the game is crashing before that. I would double check that there are no new files in your base game directory (view it in details mode and sort by Date Modified). What's the newest file in that folder? Is it newer than the install date for the folder itself?

I think when this came up before, it was seeming like a DLL conflict (some application had installed an incompatible (usually older) version of a DLL and that was loading before the game, then when the game went to use some call from the DLL, boom! That's why this problem could often be solved by a reboot. If the game is started before whatever other app was loading the incompatible DLL, the game will load the DLL it needs and run okay. If the DLL is loading as part of the boot process (e.g. it is a driver of some sort that loads it) before you can run any apps (like the game) then this is tougher. If all else fails, you may want to try booting into safe mode and running the game. Of course, then the app that uses the other DLL may have trouble, but at least then you know where the conflict is (and there might not be any trouble, since many newer DLLs are backward compatible.)


The Nvidia site is trying hard to keep things unclear, but I guess the default GeForce and TNT2 drivers are what you need. If it still doesn't work, as your card is mainstream, the issue might be related to DLL or incompatibilities with some other software or driver (sound card?)

And, as Stumpy noted, safe mode could at least tell you if the game could be run when third-party software are not loaded.


downloaded the GeForce and TNT drivers from the NVIDIA site and still nothin. Also booted into safe mode and tried to run the game and still got the same error message. my soundcard is just the stock integrated audio that came. could that have something to do with it or should that b ok?


You know, I did download a mod once that crashed the game until I disabled that sound, so it's possible.


I'm no expert, but AFAIK integrated audio is often an issue with games.


The majority of times that a game crashes for me, audio ends up being the culprit.  In other words, I think you're right.


can anyone reccomend a good sound card that isnt too expensive?


Just try updating the drivers.

Since we don't know for sure that that's the problem, it would be unwise to get a new soundcard until you're sure.


Also, sometimes you can disable the sound either using the Windows Control Panel or the PC's BIOS. That might let you test whether you can at least get started (or get to a different error) without sound. That might indicate the sound is the problem, or at least part of it.


ok good thing i didnt buy one because i disabled sounds and got the same thing


I'm having this same problem on both my older Windows XP service pack 2 desktop as well as my 8 month old Windows XP service Pack 2 laptop with nothing on it but the updated Windows.  The only correlation between the two seems to be that they both have Nvidia graphics cards.  I'm wondering if this is an incompatability with the Nvidia drivers. My drivers are fully up to date with them too and I'm still having this issue.  This game has never worked from day one when I bought it two years ago and now since Irrational is no longer around.. there isn't any tech support or patches for it because they folded right after they put the game out and Take 2 who bought them out isn't supporting ANY of their stuff. :thumbdown: