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FFEdit question.

Started by Zorro, July 31, 2007, 06:00:59 PM

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Does anyone know where I can find the FFEdit for the original  :ff: ?  I'm combining attributes for  :ffvstr: and I just can't get past them looking like (for example attrib_puppetmaster) without it.  Any help would be wonderful.


The first FFEdit has nothing to do with this. The reason your attribute is named as such is that you need to add the entry to your ffx3\llang\english\strings.txt file and recompile using FFEdit 2 (the compile process can take a few minutes). A detail to note about FFEdit 2: Your Input directory should be left blank and your output should be set to C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English (assuming you're editing FFX3 directly and that you're using the default path). You should backup your files under \lang\english\ beforehand.

For details, cf. the FFX manual under Attributes: Combination Attributes.

P.S.: As a general wish to anyone creating threads in the forums: Clear threads titles are A Good Thing(tm) and might help you get better answers faster. Thanks. :wub:


Thank you for the answer, cat. :)


Okay, I got the input/output parts.  Now, when I hit the "Merge .Dats" button (I put all of my attributes info in ffx3) which file (and from where) would one select and put in "read from" and "write to" so I can just make my attributes go from ATTRIB_attribute to just attribute in game?


"Merge DATs" is not part of the process. This is all in the "Speech, Text and Languages" section of FFEdit's first page.

Make sure you have quit the game. Then, when you have made the changes to the strings.txt file and checked your directory settings, you want to click the "Generate Language Files" button. That will convert the strings in strings.txt to a form the game can read and they should be there the next time you start the game.

BTW, which "cat" gave an answer in this thread?  :P


Sorry about that, Epimethee and Stumpy.  Anyway, I tried pushing the Generate Language Files button and I get an abort message: "Couldn't create Speech.dat aborted".  I've already done the work in the strings.txt file and the ffxmulti.py file as well as typed in the name under FFEdit attributes and gave it a cost and saved it all.


There's something wrong with your speech.txt which is causing the system to refuse to compile anything.


If you can't find the problem quickly, try to recompile using your untouched backup strings.txt/speech.txt/captions.txt files instead (you did make one, right?); if it works, the problem ought to be indeed in your edit of the file. Since this file is made to be machine-readable, it's very picky about the format used.


The only file of those 3 that I did anything with was the strings.txt file for putting attribute descriptions.  If you like, maybe you can find something wrong with how I input what I did, but I've looked and I can't find anything I did wrong.  Also, I tried it with the fresh strings.txt file and it still comes up with the speech.dat abort problem.


Maybe you opened it once and accidently deleted one character or even a space.

If you did nothing to it anyway, then restoring the original should work fine.


Well, it doesn't seem to work anyway.  I guess I did something to the original and didn't know about it.  That's one way to be screwed when it comes to doing any cosmetic work on attributes.


This may not be it, but make absolutely sure you are only saving that file from a plain text editor. The quickest way to get trouble is to save it from Word or something in a format that includes all the special formatting codes word processing software uses.

Also, check the directory that the strings.txt that you have modified is in and make sure that the other files that you haven't modified (speech.txt and captions.txt) are there. If they are not, then you are likely putting things in the wrong directory.


I have been using either wordpad or notepad as my text editor.  I'll go check on that.
Okay, the .txt's in question are all using notepad.  I have them in this directory: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English.  Is this okay so far?


That directory looks correct to me.

If it is the speech.dat file that is giving your trouble, you can check that the speech.txt file is not the problem by replacing the one in the ffx3\Lang\English directory with the one from Data\Lang\English, which should be unchanged. Then try to generate the language files and see what the error is.


I'll try that and get back to you on how it goes.

Okay, I tried what you told me to and I have the same abort error coming up.  So, at least we know, from what you told me, that it isn't the strings.txt.  So, what's next?


PM me your email addy and I'll send you a little utility I wrote a while back to get some info about your FFEdit configuration that might help us diagnose this. No guarantees, but it will at least make sure we are on the same page for the basics.


The e-mail address has been sent.


I sent the utility. Post the report file here when you run it and maybe we can get you sorted.  :cool:


I already sent it to your email address.  Anyway, I didn't see it being a plain text on my end.


Thanks. Good work. It was plain text  and I was able to take a quick look at it.

It looks like like you might have been setting the output folder to C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3\Data\Lang\English\. What you want to is get rid of the "Data" part and end up with something like C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English\. Re-generate the lang files with that change and maybe you will get farther.

See if that helps you out.


The process lasted longer this time.  Now there's a new abort message.  "Abnormal format in strings txt, aborted".


that means there's a problem in your strings.txt involving the way a line or more are set up. FFEDIT usually tells you directly what line is a problem. There wasnt a message telling you where to look?


There was and I wanted to see if I could track down the problem that it told me about.  From what I saw, it was a problem with me making a mistake where one of my combo attributes was named the same as another attribute that was already in there.  I just took out the "bad" textual lines and then tried the Generate Language Files button again and it worked just fine.  Thank you for your help, stumpy, and yours too, Prev, and also to catwhowalksbyhimself.


Hi i am a newbie, what am i need to do to install this atributes on my  :ffvstr: or FFX3.2 ?


I have no idea what your asking, or what it has to do with this particular thread.