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Language Files quick generator

Started by M25, September 18, 2007, 11:01:51 AM

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If you've used FFEdit to create your language files, you know how slow it is. 

I've uploaded a program to the EZ script wiki to speed up the process considerably.  It can generate the language files in a matter of seconds instead of minutes.  As always, use at your own risk, and back up your language files first.




Nice job! although my language files have always generated in seconds anyway ;P ;)


Thank you M25
Great Tool!!  :thumbup:



Has anyone given this a go? I've tried it and the program generated the files and BAK files as well but I didn't see any changes in the captions or strings in game. Could this have something to do with my install being in E: drive (I did set the path in the tool btw).


yes, i tried it in the final build of my exiles mod. Seems to work fine.


Thank you, I was trying to find this a few weeks ago.


Quote from: apfarmakis on October 28, 2007, 01:57:44 PM
Has anyone given this a go? I've tried it and the program generated the files and BAK files as well but I didn't see any changes in the captions or strings in game. Could this have something to do with my install being in E: drive (I did set the path in the tool btw).

It shouldn't matter where the game is installed as the tool simply works in the directory you give it.  As long as you make the changes to the captions.txt file (and have the commas in the right places) it should work.  Are you using  :ffvstr:?  (It wasn't designed for  :ff:.)


Using  :ffvstr: Boy, do I feel  :banghead:


It was made for  :ffvstr:.  It should work for you.


I tried it again but there was still a problem. I made a new built-in, added info to strings.txt and tried the tool. The characted was added to strings.dat but some of the UI captions (e.g. start new game) and power descriptions (e.g. lightning bolt) appeared with their FFEdit names.


that usually means there's an error in your strings text and you need to give it a good read through. This is one area where ffedit comes in handy, it actually points out the error.


If there were a problem, wouldn't the DATs built by the FFEdit also contain errors?


Quote from: Previsionary on October 30, 2007, 08:21:02 AM
that usually means there's an error in your strings text and you need to give it a good read through. This is one area where ffedit comes in handy, it actually points out the error.

Bolded for emphasis. Yes, ffedit would contain the error, but it would also point it out before halting it's progress and using the "default" entry names (seen in ffedit). I used M25's program at least 4 different times with no errors so I find it odd that it's giving you errors if it's not an error in your language text files. Of course, it could just as well be a program error.


It turns out there is a quirk in strings.dat that I missed.

I've updated the file to version 1.1 (use the link in the first post to get to it).  You might want to start with a fresh copy of strings.dat (either from your ffx3 folder or your data folder), but KEEP your strings.txt file so you don't lose your changes - and then re-run the tool.

For those that are interested, the game only uses lower case entries from strings.dat, even though many things in strings.txt are in upper case.  The tool has been updated to correctly convert to lower case.  You don't need to do anything to your strings.txt - it should all be handled automatically.


Quote from: M25 on October 31, 2007, 10:31:31 AM
It turns out there is a quirk in strings.dat that I missed. (...) For those that are interested, the game only uses lower case entries from strings.dat, even though many things in strings.txt are in upper case.
Stupid Ép. question #21456828: I take it FFEdit itself does that conversion on the fly?


Yes. All the string tags inside the strings.dat files are lower-case.


Quote from: Epimethee on October 31, 2007, 06:04:43 PM
I take it FFEdit itself does that conversion on the fly?

While I don't know the inner workings of FFEdit, it must do the conversion as well.  As stumpy confirmed, all of the keys in strings.dat are in lower case regardless of what is put in strings.txt