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Attribute Request kind of like Blind Justice?!

Started by GGiant, November 26, 2007, 04:37:29 AM

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Hi Everybody,

I was hoping somebody can create an attribute that kinda automatically enrages the guy with the attribute but can be turned off? Kinda like Blind Justice?

P.S Can you make it so he attacks buildings, throw objects, etc. :D


How would what you want be different than the Bezerker power? Do you just mean it would be the same except that you don't have to wait to the enraged state to expire on its own; there would be a command in the right-click menu?

Actually, I don't really know how to do that, since custom commands besides the hero point uses aren't available during primary states. I suppose it would be possible to add an extra hero point during the enraged state and then be sure to remove it if it's still there when the state is over. It would be sort a bookkeeping mess, since you'd have to make sure not to reset the character's health and energy (and secondary states) with the hero point use during the enraged state...

Of course, the command to remove the state could become part of one of the other squad members' command menus, but that wouldn't work on campaign or RR missions with just the one character.


Maybe the rage could be intermittent, giving you a few seconds to use the custom command. Alternatively, instead of disabling it at will, you could have a user-selectable trigger, such as isDamaged, isAllyNearby (including civs for heroes/polices), isLowEnergy, etc.
