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FFX 3.2 Watch Mode not working.

Started by gknight13, November 25, 2007, 07:40:36 AM

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I just installed FFX 3.2 after just having installed 3.1 etc.  So I figured it would just upgrade the old one but the Watch Mode is not working anymore (Which is the best part!).  I tried doing that coding in the console for the FFX CUSTOM DATA CONVERTER but that didn't seem to do much either.  Only one character shows up and he doesn't do anything.  Help please. 


Is FFX 3.2 otherwise working normally?

Please post your script.log from a Watch Mode Rumble Room. Thanks. :)


No the rumble room only has one character in it and he doesn't move around.  How do I get the script log?  Let me know and I'll do it. :banghead:


Quote from: stumpy
Try to Post Log Files
This is a biggy: post your script.log file! This file is located in the root directory for the game (the same folder that has the game executable (the ffvt3r.exe file). If you can't locate the right folder, right-click on the shortcut you use to start the game and choose Properties, then click on Find Target. The folder that opens up will have the script.log file.

Open that file (in NotePad, for example) and copy-paste its contents into your message in between the code tags. To use the tags, just select the code you have pasted and click on the code tag button, .

This might be a somewhat long text file. To keep it relatively short, play a mission, wait a few seconds for FFX to kick into gear, then get the problem you are experiencing to happen as soon as you can. At that point, pause the game and get the script.log at that time.

# Edit Too-Long Log Files
If you really can't post the whole script.log because the problem only happens late in a mission and the file is too big by that point, you can still post parts of it. This is a little trickier because you have to decide what parts are worth posting. Generally,

    * Post the beginning of the file, down to and including the section where the characters have their attributes initialized.  That section will look something like
QuoteinitAttribsForChar: working on hero_3 (microwave)
      initAttribsForChar (microwave): looking at attribute cybernetic brain
      initAttribsForChar (microwave): looking at attribute radioactive
      initAttribsForChar (microwave): looking at attribute vulnerability
      execInitAttrib: init vulnerability attribute
          on hero_3 of template microwave (microwave)
      initAttribsForChar (microwave): looking at attribute powerscan
      execInitAttrib: init powerscan attribute
          on hero_3 of template microwave (microwave)
* Post any sections that have errors or traceback messages in them (search for error and traceback in the file). A traceback message will be several lines telling where the problem was in the script files and then the exception message. It is a good idea to post a line or two before the traceback as well. Something like the following
QuoteMLOG_WatchDamage: error in Object_GetAttr('eye_minor4', 'minForce'), Object_Exists('eye_minor4')=0
         words=['04:43:14.01:', 'FF:', 'Damage:(eye_minor3)', '', '(resolve)', 'dmg:', '47,', 'stun', 'time:', '0,', 'KB:', '6450\012'] MLOG_DAMAGE_PREVIOUSLINE=['04:43:14.01:', 'FF:', 'Damage:(eye_minor3)', '', 'eye_minor4', '(calc', 'pwr)dmg:', '33,', 'stun', 'pct:', '0,', 'KB:', '4500\012']
      Traceback (innermost last):
        File "C:\Program Files\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 722, in OnMLOG_Read
        File "C:\Program Files\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 768, in MLOG_Read
          found = MLOG_WatchDamage(thisLine)
        File "C:\Program Files\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 1930, in MLOG_WatchDamage
          if ( knockback - Object_GetAttr(target, 'minForce') ) < 0:
      SystemError: NULL result without error in call_object

Post ff.err For Errors right at startup
When an error occurs right when the game starts (before a mission has started up, the game sends some error information to a file called ff.err, located next to the other log files. It is almost always short and it will tend to be empty after the game has run a short while because later errors are sent to script.log. Anyway, if this file is not empty, post it, too.


Not to go all obvious here, but just to make sure.
Did you install 3.2 on top of 3.1 or cleanly from scratch?

Cause if you just installed on top of 3.1, that MIGHT be part of the problem.