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Sound manipulation powers

Started by Outcast, December 31, 2007, 03:50:50 AM

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Any ideas how a hero who can control/manipulate existing sonic energies can use this power to fight crime? How many possible uses could it have? Besides being able to dampen / increase existing noise. Does a stealthy attribute fit him? Would he have the ability to make range attacks/area attacks or direct attacks? Are they energy type attacks that could stun? Or could he gain an active defense because of that particular power? Is it possible to generate a sonic wall/forcefield? Could he create holographic illusions with it? How about flight or levitation? Hmmm, like Banshee?, assuming he also had the ability to generate sound energies powerful enough. But also what if he could just control sound and had ability to create powerful sonic energies?


Well I'd say there's load you can do with Sound powers. First the obvious Banshee, Black Canary types ones. So, sonic blasts, sonic walls. All that kinda thing. Then if you think laterally then he could have stealthy, danger sense (to represent his exceptional hearing) flight/limited flight enraging and vertigo powers. Sonic boom, shockwaves..

Sorry if that's a very incoherent post, it's more a brainstorm really.


Other than the holographic illusions I think Banshee can do all those things.


Quote from: Lunarman on December 31, 2007, 05:32:46 AM
Well I'd say there's load you can do with Sound powers. First the obvious Banshee, Black Canary types ones. So, sonic blasts, sonic walls. All that kinda thing. Then if you think laterally then he could have stealthy, danger sense (to represent his exceptional hearing) flight/limited flight enraging and vertigo powers. Sonic boom, shockwaves..

Sorry if that's a very incoherent post, it's more a brainstorm really.

Quote from: AfghanAnt on December 31, 2007, 06:58:46 AM
Other than the holographic illusions I think Banshee can do all those things.

Thanks for input guys. After reading Banshee's file in Marvel Universe online,you guys were right. :doh:

Danger Sense would be possible if it was used similar to a Bat's sonar...

One other thing it mentions is the possibility of doing hypnotic trances? Hmmm, could this be some sort of limited illusion? :P

Oh,so what forms of attacks can this sound barrier basically block? :huh:


Would you guys agree that sonic attacks could penetrate body armor? :huh:



Hi Stumpy. Just remembered that you did the Body Armor attribute. :P

Well, some would say. Sonic attacks does not need to pass through the body armor in order to affect the hero. :huh:


I would think a sonic attack should be able to pass through body armor and force fields.  When comic characters have their force fields up they can still hear noises, that goes with characters that have body armor as well.  So if sound can be heard in the force field I would guess a attack based in sound would pass the field as well.


But that logic implies that lasers ought to pass through force fields etc. because characters with force fields can still see. Same with many other attacks (e.g. my gravity thrust attack ought to affect everyone who is affected by gravity; Microwave's Interference attack should pass through defenses because he is dematerializing his hand for the attack; etc.). Most defenses would typically be designed to protect against damage, not against all sensation; so the fact that a character can perceive an attack doesn't mean he should always take damage from it.

I'm not saying no attacks should get past defenses (and I suppose mental damage swaps can be used for that), but attacks that go past the in-game active or passive defenses ought to be bought as direct attacks (with non-direct FX if they aren't supposed to look like direct attacks) and we sort of have to live with the limitations the game engine imposes on scripted defenses like BODY ARMOR and INVULNERABILITY. To my way of thinking, if the power is represented by a crushing area attack (like The Ant's sonic attack), then defenses that protect against crushing area attacks should block it. Similarly, if it's represented by an energy beam, then defenses against ranged energy ought to block it. Etc.

Maybe sonic attacks should penetrate body armor. It depends both on the rationale for the attack and for the defense. For instance, I can see a sonic stunning attack that does little or no damage but that stuns a character through his armor (which it would anyway with the BODY ARMOR or INVULNERABILITY attributes, since they don't offer any defense against stun or knockback). But, I could just as well see many characters like Iron Man whose armor might have filters that clip off sounds outside a certain range of volume or frequency. And, anyone who rides a motorcycle knows that even a normal helmet affects sounds coming from outside, so it's not as if it would necessarily take really special high-tech sound canceling technology to diminish a sonic attack...