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DOOM demands fan fiction!

Started by Doom, October 20, 2007, 02:33:41 AM

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Read the Subject you ignoramus.



Someone write him a Doom/Richards slash fic...


Where's the love? DOOM demands love.

The Phantom Eyebrow

No one person is worthy of writing DOOM's tale.  We should do one of those co-operative efforts where we take it a line at a time:

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a tin-pot despot...


Quote from: The Phantom Eyebrow on November 03, 2007, 06:17:19 AM
No one person is worthy of writing DOOM's tale.  We should do one of those co-operative efforts where we take it a line at a time:

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a tin-pot despot...

...who posted a thread about himself in almost every section of the boards...


...and whose singular desire for the accumulation of rare Belgian nose hair drove him, at times, to flights of jouissance followed by fits of despair. ...

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


(Ha, just because the word filter doesn't know it, ow_tiobe_sb, doesn't me we don't! ;))


(I know it was naughty to write "jouissance," but I could not help myself. ;)

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat)

Uncle Yuan

See, thanks to Google and ow_tiobe_sb I learned something tonight.


One day in May DOOM was walking through the forest with his pet kitten, Suziepants. By and by, dusk began to fall and DOOM decided to catch fireflies. Suziepants was delighted as she tried to pounce upon them. DOOM caught four in a jar but then felt bad for the little guys so he let them go. The fun grew and grew for a long time. Before they knew it, it was night; and DOOM and Suziepants were caught in the dark.
"I'm scared, Suziepants" said DOOM.
"Meow meow meow-meow, meow meow meow-meow, meow meow meow-meow, meow meow meow-meow, " Suziepants began to sing.
"The kitty-cat song always makes me feel better, " said DOOM, as he petted his friend on her little ol' head.
DOOM didn't know how he was going to get home and he began to cry. Suddenly, a firefly appeared in front of him. DOOM looked up and saw that all the fireflies were flying in a line pointing the way out of the forest.
"Hooray, Suziepants!" DOOM shouted, "The fireflies have become our friends!"
DOOM and Suziepants got home and had cuppycakes and strawberry milk because that was their favorites.