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Ai question/s

Started by Lunarman, December 18, 2007, 05:54:25 AM

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I'm sure these have been asked already, but.

When using M25's AI I find that the AI overuses the FFX control powers (e.g, ice and earth) and completely ruins the map with these extra objects. They repeatedly use the powers making huge towers of rock and ice which are difficult to navigate, ugly to look at and hard to play around.

And in the same vein, they also overuse summons, creating loads of minions instead of using other powers.

Is there any way to reduce the frequency of the AI using these powers?




I believe you can reduce the frequency by lower the AI's percent chance to use the power.  For example, if you think Blizzard should only use his Ice Control power 10% of the time, change his power use line to pct=10 (if he doesn't have it, add it).  I'm not sure what the default values are for those types of powers.


If you go into the AI file for the character (located in your hero directory if it is a custom hero), you'll see a line something like


You can change the frequency by setting pct as Xenolith mentioned.


The default is 40%. 

You can also remove the line if you don't want them using it.  Or you can add in conditions that determine when they will use the power.

Example: Only use the ice wall ability against targets who are at least 100 units away (short range) and are likely to use ranged powers.

"TIceWall(pct=80, mindist=100, subtype='isranged')", 



Got another one.

Since I installed FFX I've always had a problem with rage. The AI doesn't do anything when enraged they just stand there until the condition wears off. The odd thing is, in my campaign that I've made enrage does seem to work correctly, just not in standard FFX3 mode. (well, my characters don't, but the enemy do). Is this an AI issue, and how do I fix it?

Thanks again


I thought the AI was handling rage correctly, but I'll have to double check. 


It might be my lazy fault for not upgrading to FFX3.2 yet


In that case, yes, you should do so.   :)

The AI is significantly faster in 3.2


Right, I've upgraded. there were a few problems, such as EZscript working at first and then stopping for no reason but nothing major.

the AI is now worryingly better than me


Quote from: Lunarman on December 20, 2007, 11:14:10 AM
Got another one.

Since I installed FFX I've always had a problem with rage. The AI doesn't do anything when enraged they just stand there until the condition wears off. The odd thing is, in my campaign that I've made enrage does seem to work correctly, just not in standard FFX3 mode. (well, my characters don't, but the enemy do). Is this an AI issue, and how do I fix it?

Thanks again

I have exactly the same problem in 3.2--.hero files characters don't do anything when enraged (this is definitely true of enemeies and perhaps true of player-controlled characters, though I couldn't swear to the second.) Campaign characters react just fine.

I reported this a while back in the FFX bug thread.

Lunarman, do you still have this rage problem in 3.2?


Yes, I just tested it and still the herofiles characters don't react.