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timm specifics (superman villains)

Started by Mystik, January 02, 2008, 05:08:19 PM

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okay so i'm doing hero files for the timm verse version of the league and had a few questions

martian manhunter- has he ever used his martian vision in the toon? can he turn invisible?
hawkgirl- how powerful was her mace? (nth metal seemed diff than comic version) electrical damage?
gl- has he ever summoned a construct? (what was it?)
aquaman- did he ever use telepathy


Martian Manhunter - no and yes (although he may have just sank into the ground ... hazy memory)
Hawgirl - really powerful, enough to blow up space-ships and stun superhumans.
GL - giant swords, hands, etc
aquaman - only on sea-life.


did the thanagarians have natural wings or  wing harnesses ?
can all nth metal generate electricity or is hawk girls mace special? whats the relation between nth and magic
did bizarrro have freeze vision/ fire breath ?


Natural wings

I don;t remember the other weapons generating electricity, but they all seemed pretty powerful   Nth metal supposedly negated magic it touched.

I don;t remember seeing Bizzaro



In the Timm shows Bizarro has heat vision and cold breath, the same as Superman.  His powers are all identical; only his understanding & morality are 'bizarro.'

Most of the Thanagarian weapons could generate some sort of energy charge, which was generally animated as electricity - though it looked different in a few instances.  They had natural wings.

Martian Manhunter never used martian vision.


Talavar....you know what?  I think you're right actually....I had somehow convinced myself that he had frozen the monks in that Deadman episode, but thinking back on it, I do remember him using heatvision.  However, I have a sneaking suspicion that Manhunter did use Martian vision, at least once, maybe in the final episode?  I could be completely wrong about that, though.


The only thing Martian Manhunter did in the last episode was turn into a dragon while fending off parademons at the Great Wall of China.


Quote from: Talavar on January 04, 2008, 09:48:20 PM

Most of the Thanagarian weapons could generate some sort of energy charge, which was generally animated as electricity - though it looked different in a few instances.  They had natural wings.

*nodding in agreement*  I read an interview with Bruce Timm and he said that the Thanagnarians from the show have genetically engineered wings.  So, yeah, the wings are natural.

Also, HG's mace clearly does produce electrical charages.  She even uses that charge as a defibrillator on GL one time when his heart stopped.


now I'm setting up the villains metallo livewire &  luminus, how would you guys set them up to make them powerful enough to take on the man of steel


For livewire, I would set extreme damage electric beam attack + light speed to make it even stronger, I don`t know how your Superman hero file looks like, but I think this should be damaging enough. She should be pretty fast too.


Keep in mind too that the timm superman is vulnerable to electricity, which is why he's always being zapped by it.

And I've never seen Mm turn invisible in the cartoons, and he's definitely never used Martian Vision.  He has used super strength somewhat, but doesn't generally use it to throw punches.

Hawk girl's mace disrupts magic.  How you would represent that in the game, I do not know.


Quote from: Thor Reborn on January 02, 2008, 05:08:19 PM
aquaman- did he ever use telepathy

Ha! I love my Aquaman game version. I give him these powers:

Aqua-Punch: a standard punch, or perhaps El Diablo's weaker "Swift Punch".

Talk to Fishes: a large-scale area attack that hypnotises but has 0% chance of succeeding. It costs no points since it does absolutely nothing. Still, I love watchin' him try.