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Your drawing/painting/photography process quirks

Started by zuludelta, February 06, 2008, 11:14:39 PM

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Okay, we all have our little quirky things that we do when we draw or paint or whatever. Some people can't draw without music in the background, others need a TV blaring somewhere in the room, that type of thing.

For me, it's the fact that I have a hard time drawing on anything unless it's propped up on my lap or on at least one knee. I think it's a habit I developed because I've got very poor eyesight, but I wasn't diagnosed as being myopic until I was in my teens (I guess people just assumed that I sat in front of the class because I liked it there, and I was never consciously aware that I wasn't seeing a lot of the things everybody else was), so I spent my formative years drawing with my knees drawn up to my chest, supporting whatever board I was using, my face only a few inches from the paper. As you can imagine, using a lightbox in my case involves supporting one on top of my legs, a somewhat uncomfortable position (fortunately, I only have the cheap-o miniature ones, so I don't get arthritis from doing it :lol:).

Another drawing habit other people have told me that I exhibit is I tend to mimic the facial expressions of whatever figure it is I'm working at. I think this just comes from learning to draw facial expressions by looking at myself in a mirror... I've done it so many times it's almost an unconscious reflex by now (I can't even count the number of times I've drooled on a page while drawing Venom  :lol:)

Anybody else have their art process quirks?


Quote from: zuludelta on February 06, 2008, 11:14:39 PM
Another drawing habit other people have told me that I exhibit is I tend to mimic the facial expressions of whatever figure it is I'm working at. I think this just comes from learning to draw facial expressions by looking at myself in a mirror...

Anybody else have their art process quirks?

:) I do that. Especially weird to see, I've been told, when drawing scared female faces.

Not such a big quirk, but I am incapable of using something for reference unless it is on my left hand side, that is, to the left of my image. This goes for written work (transcribing my written text onto a computer) or even using a photo for light source reference. if the reference is on my right hand side I'm looking over my working area and that throws me off.


Well, I know I prefer to draw sprawled out on the floor (occasionaly my bed), laying on my stomach. I also take off my glasses and get my face real close. Sometimes I'll even just lay my head down. This probably comes from the fact that all my desks have always been completely covered with things, and therefore pretty much unuseble. So why get a desk? I can put things there instead of on the floor.

I also do a lot of straight to ink work. In fact, before practicing, I used to be better at that than inking over pencils. I would always mess up a picture, unless I just started in ink. I've since got used to the idea, and now find it to be a far better way to draw, since I can try a bunch of different things before a final drawing is done.


If I don't have a plan in photoshop creations... I usually wind up creating fancy green lantern logos. After creating them, a plan comes to mind and I fade them to the bottom layer.


I seem to draw better when im not really concentrating on the drawing, when i concentrate i slow myself down and start making hands and stuff much bigger than they should be.

Mr. Hamrick

I find that I usually have to have coffee or hot tea when I am editing at home.   

I also usually like having music on when I am writing.

You will usually find bottled water or Powerade (or some equivalent) near me when I am on set if I am directing.  Sometimes I will opt for hot tea or coffee then too, though.


I tend to draw the right hand half... constantly flipping horizontally to look from a different angle, and then fill in the left half afterwards, also constantly flipping >_>
oddly enough, I cant draw when i've been drinking, my mind just goes blank


When I used to skin for Freedom Force, I had to be tanked.  Like, at least 4 beer in me.  In fact, ALL my FF skins were done while I was drunk.  I don't really drink anymore (once every couple of months or so) so I had to relearn to do it straight.  Second Life has spoiled me, as now in addition to base skins, I can do separate clothing layers and then assemble outfits.  I also think I have become better at it. 


All of my stories and unrealised mod ideas have typically come to me while listening to music on my morning commute to university.  Consequently, my stories and mod ideas tend to have a soundtrack before they have a coherent plot.  Of course, plot is not always my objective, which might explain why all of my mods and many of my stories have remained unrealised.

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning


Art takes me over, even when I skinned for FF. I spend 3-12 hours straight on them, sometimes foregoing food, drink and sleep.