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Leveling Up Shapeshifter's Temp Form Possible?

Started by O_Prime21, March 04, 2008, 12:40:34 PM

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Hi all, another probably newb question. Is it possible to level up the abilities of a shapeshifter's temporary form in a campaign? If so, how? Also, is there a good tutorial out there on how to set up the different tiers of powers that will appear for a hero during the course of a campaign? I saw some info on FR World, just wondering if there is more in-depth on the subject. Thanks!!


If the temp form is a built-in (using FFEdit) character, then I think he will receive non-squad XP if you recruit him into the campaign. Creating the character as a built-in is also the way to get his powers set up tiered the way you want.

I don't think a shapeshifter's alter-ego will receive squad XP by taking the main character on a mission or if the main character grabs an XP canister. In theory, that could be coded into the system.

I don't know of a detailed tutorial about setting up characters in FFEdit outside of the modding documentation Irrational put out with it (though there might be some). Just looking at how they set up the characters is a pretty good guide.



You'd have to remember to set him to be non-selectable for every mission though, right?


Good point. I was thinking the situation here was O_Prime21 setting up a character for his own use, in which case he could also just not select the alter-ego. But, if it's for a mod, that would be a good use for Campaign_Recruit_Disallow(). Using that once makes a recruited character unselectable forever or until Campaign_Recruit_ClearOverrides() is called.

BTW, in a campaign where recruiting the shapeshifting hero with an alter-ego is optional, it should be possible to take care of some of the bookkeeping automatically. In other words, if there is a hero named 'my_hero' who shapeshifts into 'my_hero_ss', then it would be possible to check if my_hero has beeen recruited and, if he has, recruit his alter ego automatically (to save the need to use the console to add enough PP to recruit him manually), and call Campaign_Recruit_Disallow(). In fact, one could accommodate shapeshifters with more than one form, too...


If it's in FFvTTR, can't you just set the two forms as alter-egos in FFEdit? If there are more than two, that might not be possible, but in theory, that should take care of recruiting at least, even without actually using a transform power.


So, if I am understanding this right, recruit both froms and then use Campaign_Recruit_Disallow() on the alternate form. That way, they will be able to train the alternate forms powers up, but unable to select them to begin a mission. I hope I got all that. :>
