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the big white block

Started by skeek420, June 16, 2008, 03:05:45 PM

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so i see these things called "skopes" now, but none of them have worked for me. I've downloaded a few of styles' skopes, but when i go to the create-a-character screen, they just show up as big white blocks.

the male_basic_symbiote mesh, for example, works fine for me, but the carnage skope shows the white block thingy. any reason why the character.nif wouldn't be workin for me (cuz i am almost sure thats what it would be having trouble reading correctly, so it just shows the white block)?

EDIT: figured i mite as well say that the same thing happened w/ italpornstar's apocalypse (it was hexed or skoped) mesh, so i couldnt use that either. also, same situation, my original apocalypse mesh by grenadier/ink works fine.


* Which game are you playing with?

* If you're using FFvTTR, have you tried nif converting it?


im using the original FF, so i really have no idea why this is occuring.


Some skopes are FFVTTR only. FFVTTR meshes aren't compatible with FF1.

Make sure all the meshes are in the correct spot and have all their correct files. THe box problem usually corresponds with missing meshes (IE: the game can't find the correct file).


well they are all style's skopes and they seem to be for the original FF, so they should work.

i've even looked thru the folders multiple times, but can't find anything amiss, they're all in the right place and correctly set up it seems.

well that apocalypse one mite have been a FFvsTR mesh, idk, but i was just usin that as another example, as it was something i had downloaded a while ago.


I still suspect it may be an FFvTR thing...

In a lot of cases if someone is trying to skope on a piece from a new mesh onto an old mesh (different nif formats), nifskope needs them to be in the same format, and the only way to do that is to convert them all into the new format using nifconverter. So while a bulk of the the character may be FF, it may have been converted at some point in the process in order to allow skoping.

You might PM style and ask him if he doesn't pop his head around here...


so you're saying most skopes are actually for FFvsTR, or if not, at least you suspect style's are?

you may be right, styles doesn't seem to specify really which game they are for. But usually topics are marked as such if they are for FFvsTR, which his wasn't, i will try PMing him to find out.

also, jakew is the one who originally told me about styles skopes in another topic, and it looks to me he is saying my problem mite be IF i was using them w/ FFvsTR. after i realized all this, it seems likely that they are supposed to work w/ original FF, right?


Doesn't the white box with the X mean that the mesh is "missing" as far as the hero file is concerned? Are you using your own Hero files or someone elses? It may be that the Hero file refers to a different directory. If you have EZHero, open one of them up and see.


IIRC, and looking through the skopes thread a bit, MOST of styles' skopes seem to be for FFVTTR. He only did a few for ff1 and I don't think he released some of those.


nah, def not hero file issue, as i havent even made one for the mesh. its just right when i go to create the character, and it says "select a mesh," and u see a preview of the mesh you highlighted for using, its just a rotating white block instead of the actual mesh.

thanx 4 that previsionary, than that may be problem, it was the electro, carnage, and spider-man4(or sumthin), skopes that i was trying to use, maybe they were all FFvsTR ones? there are about 3 or 4 styles skope groups i think.


I think you'll find that a good portion of the content is FFvTR these days. There is still some FF stuff being made due to the 3D Studio Max exporters being for FF (Tommyboys meshes immediately jump to mind) but when they get used as pieces for skoping and conversions take place, there really is no way to go back from that.


okay, well thanx again all, im still not quite ready to move to FFvsTR yet, even tho there's an obvious huge jump in amount of stuff they have now.

i think whats been stoppin me is the thought of having to find and/or convert all the meshes, fx, mods, etc..... <_<   

oh well, another day, perhaps...



Not all meshes need converting.

Fx don't need converting at all. It either works correctly or doesn't.

Mods "won't" convert and by that I mean, there's very little point in doing so as it's a lot of work for very little gain, imo.

Skins will work fine.

I think that's it. Only thing holding ya back is personal preference and mods, heh.


well i did say "find AND/OR convert," tho i didnt know some of the specifics on that until you mentioned them.

still whatever can't be converted, (especially certain FX) i would have to hope thier are good replacements for them on FFvsTR. then i'd have to translate my 20-30 (guessing) custom characters and strings.txt to that, but i dont know, mite be worth it.

hows the generic hero A.I. for FFvsTR? do they actually use their active defenses, direct attacks, etc.?
in original FF they either don't use them or only against human opponents.

eh, maybe im gettin too off topic here, lol.