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FFX Rules

Started by Rob2Kx, July 22, 2008, 02:43:18 PM

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Just a couple questions about the FFX Rules.

When I have the increased Stun %age on, should I be able to see that in the character building screen in game?  Like should it be able to go up to 100%?  Because the highest I can get the stun to is 63% (Extreme Level 5).

Are Clone Commands working?  (Gather and Attack)

I can toggle overspend energy w/stun risk, so I know that at least some of the FFX Rules are working.

I have the latest update installed and working (3.2.2).

And this last question is kind of an aside, when I'm making a character and I add an ability (like a melee attack), if I ALT-TAB out to the Control Center should it be there immediately?

Thanks to anyone who answers!


Hello Rob, welcome aboard!

From the better later than never department: Stun % is visible only within a mission. Clone commands are working fine on my computer (using the newly released FFX 3.3, at least). The ability won't be visible to the Control Centre until you save your character changes; if you select a chatracter in the CC, you can see his list of powers in the window at the bottom of its interface.