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M25's Tool

Started by Cdub, June 05, 2008, 04:11:29 PM

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Could someone post a link please? I can't seem to find it.


exactly what tool are you talking about? a brief description of what you want would perhaps aid anyone aiming to help ya.


The M25 Modding Tool. That's basically all I can tell you about it, because that's all I know.


If you are talking about using EZ script for making mods, it's included in FFX 3.2. 



Another question:

what are you trying to do in/with the game?  (i.e. make your own mod, create a new character, create a map, etc....)


I'm trying to make my own mod. By the way if anyone wants to help PM me.


O.K., now we're getting somewhere.... ^_^

1) If you don't already have it, get EZFX from Alex's Freedom Fortress: http://www.alexff.com/ezfx.php.  It adds lots more FX to the game.

2) M25 gave you the link to ffx3.2  This is an "expansion" pack which gives you lots more options in terms of attributes, powers, etc.  It is very customizable, and very well documented.  You'll need this. 

It also includes EZ Script, which is probably the "tool" to which you're referring.  If you don't know Python, you'll have to make your mod with EZ Script.  M25 has his own EZ Script site with more help, maps, and sample scripts: http://ezscript.wikispaces.com/

3) Visit the Freedom Reborn Wiki: http://frworld.wikispaces.com/ - you'll find tutorials, the master mesh list, and other help there.

Not to discourage you, but keep in mind that a full-release commercial video game takes up to 2 years to produce, and that's with a full-time staff working on it.  Making a mod by yourself is not as difficult, but it's also not something you can do in one afternoon.  If you can, I hate you, because it's taken me years (and several failed attempts) to finally settle on an idea...and I'm still not done yet!

Before you even get started, you'll want to make sure your mod is finished.  By that, I mean what kind of mod will it be?  Campaign?  Single Mission?  Freeroam?  Will it be set in the Freedom Force "universe" or some other setting? Once you figure that out, you'll need to outline your story (details, not just generalities), create your characters (playable and npc, including powers/attributes), create your game world (i.e. maps), and select your character meshes.

Imalsonof (sp?) started a library of EZ Script mini-mods...short missions which can be played relatively quickly.  They are available on M25's EZ Script site.  Check some of these out to get an idea of how they're structured.  Benton Grey has done similar for his DCUG mod (you may want to pm him for advice/help).  You may want to start with something along these lines, just to get your feet wet.

Finally: you're going to have issues along the way.  When you do, and when you come here for help, be sure to state:
1) what game you're talking about: FF1 vs. FF2 (i.e. FFVTTR)
2) what you are trying to do (i.e. the end result)
3) what you've tried up to this point
4) any resources you are using or have used
5) any potential hardware issues you think might be causing your problem

Telling all this helps others identify and solve your problem.

Lastly, if you are trying to enlist help from the community, post your request, and specify exactly what you need help with (i.e. map making, scripting, etc.).

Hope this helps



Thank you SO much Boalt92. Millions of thanks are due. I don't plan on sitting down on one afternoon and making a mod. First of all I need the skins/meshes. Then, I need the script (writing right now). Then, I'll need a few maps. And, of course, I'll need to sit down and try to make a mod.

I'll answer the string of questions you had.

1) FF2
2) Make fun mod about Dub Comics (my comics).
3) Not really anything, except I've been plaing ome mods.
4) Pencil, paper, FlashGet, and a custom-built computer.
5) Probaly not, I have about 132 MB of space on my hard drive right now.

Ok, thanks Boalt92. If you would like to help me on the mod PM me, ok?