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Started by DEATH, March 13, 2007, 02:25:30 PM

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     I'm just looking at setting up some strings for a mod.  I'm not totally clear on the instructions on the Wiki.  It states that the new info must come at the bottom of the first block of stuff.  What exactly is this referring to?  The first contiguous group of lines of text?  Mine (and anyone with the same stuff installed, I assume) ends with the line:

ORI_fh_10, what?!  my striking cane! what have you done to it?

     Is that correct?  It also says to leave the space between the block(sic)...does this mean the spacing before or after (or both) your additions?



Hmm, curious.

It doesn't matter where to put them, nor do you have to have spaces anywhere.  Putting it the bottom and leaving some blank lines makes it a whole lot easier to read, however.



     Ahh, excellent!  Not being well versed in the technical underpinnings of the game, I was dubious about trying this without professional advice.  Thanks for the reply.
     Maybe someone can edit the Wiki?



Will the  :ffvstr:  editor recompile the strings.dat?  I seem to remember something about this not working correctly...



Yep, it just LOOKS like it's not working.  Just add to your strings file and click 'generate language files' in FFEDIT (making sure it's pointing in the right direction).  It'll take a few mintues, but just let it be, and it should turn out fine.


Also, make sure your language text files are in a different folder than the language dat files.  For some reason, the FFvTTR editor is picky about that.


Sorry, Conduit, but you're absolutely wrong about that. A lot of people seem to think that is the case.

It's true that FFEdit doesn't like it when you pick an input and output location that's the same, but that's because it automatically uses the same location for both should one of them be blank.

So just leave the input field blank and use the output field location for both.