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Hexing Help Needed.

Started by UnkoMan, March 28, 2007, 06:50:03 PM

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Okay, I've been meaning to talk about this before, and I've asked some other folks for help.

Basically I want to finaly release my new avatar. It's a hex of Ren's wonderful Earth 2 Superman. I tried to hex some keyframes, but after taking a few hours to add one frame I discovered it wouldn't show up as an animation anyhow. I'd still really like to change the hover at least, though. To something less "flying" and more "jumping." But whatever...

What I really wanted to talk about was the belt. I've tried adding different belts but none I used seemed to work with the unique body shape. If you haven't seen it, he's fairly stocky looking. So I decided to enlarge the belt along one axis. I did that, and slightly repositioned it, and it looked great... until animated. I tried to copy that branch and attach it to the spine and hey! It stopped moving all about. Except now it refuses to be placed where I want it, and keeps clipping.

Anyhow, basically I was wondering if anybody wanted to take a look at this maybe? See if they can't figure out some way to make it work well... or, barring that, be able to put a belt on that at least looks mostly the same. I have three nifs (small belt, big belt, and spine belt) zipped up to send if anybody wants to take a look.