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FFX3 Combo Attributes

Started by Dustopus, April 08, 2007, 02:31:34 PM

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I recently installed the FFX3.2 beta, and I was trying to make a combo attribute. Specifically, I was planning on making the combos found in Taskmaster's RPG conversions (the true invulnerabilities, growth, lesser regeneration, etc.)
When I started, I noticed that in the appropriate files (ffxmulti.py and strings.txt) already have entries for these, as well as others like Hulk and more.
The problem I'm having is that none of these "extra" combos appear in FFvT3R when I run it. Can someone help me out here?


The problem is that the character.dat in the FFX 3.2 beta doesn't include them.  You need to go into the attributes tab of FFEdit and add them manually, along with their prestige values.


That is, however, all you have to do, as FFX 3.2 was set up to be fully compatible with Taskmaster's files.  We didn't feel that these combos were suitable for FFX itself (although there are a few we could look at later) but there was no reason not to include them unactivated.  One of the advantages of having Taskmaster X on the FFX update team.


Thanks for the help!
I had tried using FFEdit before, but it hadn't worked. But since you confirmed that I had to use it, it didn't take me long to realize my only real problem: I hadn't changed the path to the data files to the ffx3 folder.

At least now I've learned something else about editing this game.

Thanks again!