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Trying to put Courtnal6's Hercules skin on a tall muscular mesh

Started by captmorgan72, March 31, 2007, 10:13:20 AM

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His awesome skin of Hercules is on a male heavy mesh. I put his textures on a male muscular mesh and renamed the textures from male heavy to male muscular and it worked. The mesh is too short for Hercules though. I thought that the mesh that Renegade made, the muscular tall mesh for Colossus would be perfect.

I put the Hercules textures into a new skin folder and renamed the textures male cape as that is what the texture files are named in the Peter Rasputin folder. It sort of worked as the Hercules skin is on the mesh but some of the Colossus textures remained, like the arm bracers and belt.

How can I get the whole Hercules textures on this mesh and not have any Colossus textures bleed through?

I downloaded the muscular tall mesh NIF file from the mesh master list but I don't have a clue how to use this for what I want to do. Thanks for any help.


Does the mesh have any extras?  Are thre tga files besides the main body skin, glow, refl and lightmap?  If so those would continue to show up as standard.   Perhaps you should list all the files in the standard skin folder. If there are more than five (counting the portrait image) those would be your problem.  You will either have to reskin the extras to make them more appropriate to Herc or hex out those elements (if possible). 

Another way around this issue is using another mesh. Tommyboy has a Herc mesh here (http://tommyboymeshes.freedomforceforever.com/Marvel%20meshes%20H.html) that may be more to your tastes. Here's an image (http://tommyboymeshes.freedomforceforever.com/mm/stationery/ThumbnailGrid/hercules_t.jpg.  This is not to detract from Ren's fine work, but sometimes you can't transfer skins from one mesh to another without significant changes.


Yes, there was extras. I deleted them and got a purple belt and bracers in their place. I don't know how to hex them out or reskin so I guess it won't work for me. It's to bad as that mesh is perfect for Hercules. The male muscular mesh is to short and the male heavy is to large. With the tall muscular mesh Hercs and Thor are around the same size which is consistent with the comics.


You could try my Hercules mesh:
Its bigger than male basic, but smaller than male_heavy, and was made with the Kirby/Heck/Buscema hercules in mind.
Might work with the C6 skin..


Quote from: tommyboy on March 31, 2007, 04:10:57 PM
You could try my Hercules mesh:
Its bigger than male basic, but smaller than male_heavy, and was made with the Kirby/Heck/Buscema hercules in mind.
Might work with the C6 skin..

Wish I'd thought of that. :P


geez, doc, you should know Tommy has a mesh for EVERYONE ;) i've got the C6 skins on his mesh, works a treat


i'm a big herc fan and tried different skins on diff. meshes also.c6's herc skins are the best.i put his skin on renegades stripsey mesh and it works really well.its the right size and musculature.give it a try.i like tommys mesh also but i like herc with no mace.he was always a bare-fisted brawler to me.i wish tommys herc also came with a no mace version.hint-hint.


well its a simple hex, y'know. Just hex it out. use nifskope; its dead easy. open the Nif in 'skope, click on the mace, right click on its name in the list to the left, go to 'flags' and tick the box to 'hidden'. BAM instant herc_nomace_tv. make sure you save when you're done.


i would but i dont have nif scope.i wish i had the knowledge and programs to create characters.it looks fun.maybe someone with nifscope could hook me up.please.