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Started by phantsamfan, April 19, 2007, 06:05:27 PM

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Does any have a hero for this character?

The Hitman

Not really, but off the top of my head, I can think of maybe 5 Strength (his suit made him just a little stronger, I think), 5 Speed, 4 Aglility, 4 Endurance, and 6 or 7 Energy.

For attributes, I'd go with Energy Tanks, Flier, either Fast or Nimble Flier, Group Teleporter (I think), and either Invunerability (probably not) or Energy Shield (is that the one I'm thinking of?).

I'd give him a couple standard melee attacks, a low- powered beam or projectile, an weak energy leech (maybe a direct attack), a standard Passive Defense, Teleport, and a Bannish Beam.

Not quite right, but it's at least something to start with. The best thing to do is see how a Booster Gold is set up, and pretty much copy it.