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Get Mods to work with German version of FFvt3R

Started by Bony, August 08, 2007, 11:34:57 AM

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If you have the German version of FFvt3R and you want to play mods, extract the mod(s) to your default FFvt3R directory (like "C:\FFvt3R")
Now you have a game path like "C:\FFvt3R\*modname*"
Search the language folder in your mod directory: "C:\FFvt3R\*modname*\Lang"
In the "lang" folder you find an directory called "English" ("C:\FFvt3R\*modname*\Lang\English")
Copy the complete "English" folder somewhere, rename it in "German" and copy and paste it back in your "Lang" folder. The path should be "C:\FFvt3R\*modname*\Lang\German".
Start the mod and enjoy.

If you have the problem, that FFX new powers/Attributes show up like "attrib_toxic_desc" or "attrib_weathercontrol_desc" without further description, you must first download the UK Mod Tools.
Because most mods require EZFX and FFX, download them, and very
very important
, the UK Mod Tools.
1. Install the mod tools
2. install EZFX for FFvt3R (again)
3. install FFX for FFvt3R (again)

And here the solution for the "attrib_***_desc" problem:

Quote from: stumpy on August 07, 2007, 11:34:46 PM
...you can get the English versions to show up by 1) making a copy of the ..\data\Lang\German folder as ..\ffx3\Lang\German and then 2) grabbing the FFX-specific stuff from the English strings.txt file in ..\ffx3\Lang\English and adding them to the German version and using FFEdit to generate the language files again. I don't have the German language stuff, so I can't be sure (and make sure to make a backup of everything in your ..\Lang\German folder!), but it should work.

To find the FFX stuff in the ..\ffx3\Lang\English\strings.txt file, do a search for ------------1_01, -------------------- FFX STARTS HERE. Everything from that point to the end of the file should be stuff you can copy to the strings.txt file in the German tree. Then use the "Generate Language Files" button in FFEdit to recompile the files. (Make sure to quit the game before regenerating anything in FFEdit.)
One last thing: Before you generate the language files, you must select: "C:\FFvt3R\ffx3\Lang\German" as "Output directory" in FFedit!


Just to note that these instructions should work with any foreign language version of the game.