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Ezscript starting Hero problem.

Started by XPTO, January 07, 2008, 01:52:09 PM

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Hi all,

I am really noob to ezscript and have a question.

I wanted to know how do i set my starting hero for the first mission in a campaign i´m trying to create. I used the herodatatool from M25 to set my hero for the campaign but when i load it i get no hero, the objective arrow is there and all seems ok in the map, but my hero is not in the game.

If anyone can help me i would appreciate it, thank you  :).


I believe this is an issue with the game engine itself that applies to the first mission of all campaigns. There is something in the FFX documentation about it I'm pretty sure.

Basically you either have to manually place the heroes you want to be played for that level onto the map using FFedit (like you would any other map object), or make the first mission of a campaign a cut-scene mission that plays and then the campaign moves on to the second mission. So the first mission becomes an "Intro" of sorts...

This is an issue with the game itself and I believe applies to ALL first missions of any campaign.


I see, thanks GooglesPizanno  :D, is there a line that i can add to my mission.txt so i can force the campaign to start with a specific hero? that would be great.


Quoteis there a line that i can add to my mission.txt so i can force the campaign to start with a specific hero?

No, not in the mission.txt file.

If its the first mission of a campaign and you want a specific character(s) to be used by the player, just open up the map for the first mission in FFEdit and place the character you want the player to control on the map. When the mission loads, those characters (up to 4 and designated by their templates as heroes) will automatically become part of the players team and controllable.

Also for campaigns all the characters that you use will need to be built-ins.


If you need an easy way of turning hero files into built-ins, use the newest EZHero, which works with FFvTTR.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on January 07, 2008, 04:47:23 PM
If you need an easy way of turning hero files into built-ins, use the newest EZHero, which works with FFvTTR.

Ok, i used M25 tool 1.3 for converting my custom heroes into built ins and they are there, will try to add the hero to the map then, thanks GP  ^_^.

Also if add a villain from my custom chars will he use the AI like in the hero file? or where do i set his AI? do i need to create a new AI for the built in?

Thank you for the replies  :).


AI is more of a grey area for me.... others with more knowledge may have to correct me.

In FFedit on the characters tab is a drop down where you can set what game AI to use.
It should already be set by default to either genericHero or genericVillain or something like that I think.

If you want to use M25's custom AI with built ins, you just need to add entries to a single AI file (as opposed to individual ones for HERO files):
"<FFX DIRECTORY>\Missions\Scripts\m25aidata.py"

So if you already have you HERO files with generated AI it should just be a matter of copying and pasting the AI code from the individual AI file to the m25aidata.py file. You'll just have to make sure that you format it correctly (brackets etc..). Also be sure to use a plain text or script editor...no word processor like Word which adds wacky formatting.

Alos be sure to look at the FFX manual or more info -- its really complete and helpful.


Ok thank you, have to test all this when i get home.


Ok i have another problem, in my campaign mission i laid down my hero on the map and all the mission scripts work good, but when i get to the last part the villain i added does nothing, he just stands there, so maybe the AI isn´t kicking dunno. I checked in the M25aidata.py and the Ai for him is there so i´m lost. :wacko:

I use an Ally in the map and his AI is just fine except the villain, any clues? thanks. :)

Nevermind sorry, just had to rename the character because of the AI conflicting with the .hero AI file. :P