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Skin Works Everywhere But During Gameplay in FFV3R with FFX3

Started by Qreg, July 20, 2007, 10:32:12 PM

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I've worked on a few custom skins and applied them to some custom heroes (all using the original meshes).  The skins work fine in the character tool and when I apply them to my new heroes.  However, when I enter the rumble room to test the characters out the default skin is always used.  I've made sure that I have the right skin selected.  I've tried messing with the graphics options but to no avail.  Is there something I'm missing?  BTW this happens on every created character.



If the standard skin is in .DDS format, and your new skins are .TGAs, then the game will always default to the standard. You can fix this by converting the other skins to .DDS as well.



Hey Qreg, how did you do that? I've had the same issue.  :banghead:


with installed dds file to it
and saving it as dds


If you don't have Photoshop there's a shareware utility called DDS Converer out there that converts TGAs to DDSs and vice versa.