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Crazy video card issue

Started by detourne_me, August 25, 2007, 10:39:59 AM

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ok so i just updated my nvidia drivers and ugh!

first off i have an nvidia geforce 66000 GT and i run 2 monitors off of it, a 21-inch phillips (usually set at 1680 X 1050) and a 19 inch (1280 X 1050 i think)

well i thought i updated the correct drivers but i have this horribly irritayting problem.  on my primary monitor  the widescreen one,  my screen actually scrolls left and right,  its as if the last inch on the right has been cut off.  i cannot see the time in the bottom right corner.

and the fonts are all screwed too,  i think i will have to run that windows powertool again so i can read it better.

any thoughts?


I'd check the resolutions and refresh rates.
What you describe sounds like one or both of these has changed.


> on my primary monitor  the widescreen one,  my screen actually scrolls left and right
Especially for LCD monitors, there is often an option to use a larger virtual desktop which often get set by default when you switch resolutions.

> i cannot see the time in the bottom right corner.
On CRT monitors, switching resolutions or changing settings will usually require playing with the controls on the monitor to reposition, redimension and re-etc. the image.

> and the fonts are all screwed too,  i think i will have to run that windows powertool again so i can read it better.
+1 to the Cleartype powertoy! :) It's possible that your new driver disabled anti-aliasing altogether (display properties > appearance > effects).


Thanks for the help guys.
i did a bit of searching and apparently this left right thing is called Nvidia Scaling.  i tried turning it off but all it does is really mess up the display.  i wish i never updated my drivers at all.   i think i'll contact Nvidia about it,  see if they have older drivers,  or know a real fix to the problem.


> i tried turning it off but all it does is really mess up the display.
Probably because the resolution changed; if it is a LCD, only the native resolution will look sharp.


problem fixed.  just went back to my old drivers ;)