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FFX Squared V2.6 with Vista...

Started by Shogunn2517, September 05, 2007, 08:51:23 AM

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I was wondering if there is anyone out there that can help me.  Particularly if you have or have had experience with Windows Vista.

A few months ago, when I bought my new system and tried to install Freedom Force, I had some compadibility problems becuase I was running Windows Vista.  To my comfort, the problem was as easily solved as down loading the 1.3 patch, which I did.  Freedom Force now runs perfectly on Windows Vista.

Now, since then, I've been trying to download the add-ons and mods that I've collected, some of which I was use to playing with others, were for my hero files to work properly.  I've downloaded the Danger Room, EZ FX and from what I can tell, they show up and work in game.  However, when I tried to download FFX2, it seemed to download fine, but there is no evidence that it is working in game.  My hero files that previously used the attributes provided by FFX2 are not working properly.  The attribute itself shows up as "customattribute34"(or something like that, I cannot see it right now).  When I try to create a new character, none of the newer attributes show.

I read something recently about downloading each patch and add-on in a particular order and from what I can tell, I've done that.  I'm not sure if Vista is the problem, but would someone be able to help out?  Perhaps explain or walkthrough what I'm not doing(or what I need to do) to make it work properly?



The most obvious question I have to ask, are you using the special shortcut?


Yep. Using the right shortcut is the first thing to check.

Of course, that doesn't explain why the strings are messed up, especially since FFX 2.x installs in the Data folder...

Shogun2517, do the attribute strings show up properly in the game without FFX? When you say the attributes show up as "ATTRIBUTE_ACIDBLOOD" or whatever, do you mean just the FFX attributes or all of the attributes? You may need to run FFEdit and regenerate the strings.

FWIW, since the patched game itself runs without FFX, I very much doubt that the trouble is related to Vista.


From what I know and can tell, I have.  I've added the "-log" to the end of the Freedom Force shortcut.  I've used the fforce short cut.  I added the "-log" to the end of that shortcut.  I'm pretty sure I followed exactly what it said.

As far as the attribute strings, displays as you said Stumpy "ATTRIBUTE_ACIDBLOOD" with the attributes from FFX.  It's not all attributes.

When you say I need to run FFEdit to regenerate the strings, what exactly are you referencing?


Run FFEdit and hit the "generate strings" button.  Or it's called something like that.

Really, there's not much to explain on that part.

Did you just so happen, by any chance, to install something else after FFX?  Like EZFX or EZVoice?  That would mess up the strings, potentially.


If you don't know, FFEdit is Irrational's tool for modifying the campaign data (strings, characters, objects, attributes, sounds, FX, etc.). You can find a link to the download page in the game FAQ for this forum. Currently, it's the last question.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on September 06, 2007, 06:32:25 PMDid you just so happen, by any chance, to install something else after FFX?  Like EZFX or EZVoice?  That would mess up the strings, potentially.

As an aside, the EZ Voice Installer only comes with two .dat files; speech & characters.  And I thought EZFX only messed with the fx.dat.  I wouldn't think a simple overwrite of other .dat files would effect a different .dat file.


Yes, you're right.  Too little sleep I suppose.  Either that, or I was just more delusional than usual.


You could just blame it on an old catnip flashback, and we'd all believe you.  ;)


Well, there was that time back in February. . .