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Duke Nukem mod

Started by lmalonsof, August 09, 2007, 03:28:02 AM

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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there would be any interest in doing a mod based on Duke Nukem (EZscriptable). I'm now trying to finish a mod called 'Gotham nights', but I'm doing all by myself (coding, mapping, debugging and beta testing) and it's being extremely hard 'cause I don't really have all the time it needs.

So, if there's any interest in a Duke Nukem mod and there is a group of people who share its interest with me about this and want to get involved in developing the mod, I'll put on hold the Gotham Nights mod and I'll focus on this.

As I can see in the forum, there are a good number of mods in process at this moment. Maybe this is not a very good time to start a new mod, but please let me know your thoughts about it even if you don't want to take part in it, or if you want to suggest a better time, or if you don't think there's any interest about it...

Any comment will be appreciated.



It'd be for  :ffvstr:

My coding skills are very low (just VBasic and Pascal, and that was a long time ago...), so it would use EZScript.


You could request to someone to make a skin of duke to my hex.


Well, in fact what I'm asking is for a group of people interested in this and with hexing/meshing/skinning/mapping/coding skills.

I could do the part of mapping & coding (and putting things together), but I will need some help or the result will be the same as with 'Gotham Nights'... 3 months of discountinous work and my planning says that it'll be done in November (best hope).

Silver Shocker

I'm a bit of a Duke Nukem fan and I'd be interested in a Duke Nukem mod. I hope you manage to get it made.  Good luck.


Thanks for your interest. ^_^